Correlation of Microstructure and Hydrogen Delayed Fracture for 1GPa Steels

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kangcj66
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Automobile industry tries to reduce the weight of automobile using high-strength steels.However,the high-strength steels are highly susceptible to delayed-fracture caused by hydrogen embrittlement.With increasing the strength,hydrogen embrittlement is more sensitive to diffusible hydrogen.The mechanism of delayed-fracture and the relationship with the microstructure and alloying elements are still ambiguous.This study analyzed the effect of the size and the spheroidization rate for the carbides on hydrogen-induced delayed fracture for 1GPa TS steel. Automobile industry tries to reduce the weight of automobile using high-strength steels. Despite the high-strength steels are highly susceptible to delayed-fracture caused by hydrogen embrittlement. Increase the strength, hydrogen embrittlement is more sensitive to diffusible hydrogen. The mechanism of delayed-fracture and the relationship with the microstructure and alloying elements are still ambiguous. This study analyzed the effect of the size and the spheroidization rate for the carbides on hydrogen-induced delayed fracture for 1 GPa TS steel.
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