
来源 :盐业史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chuanguowuhen
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抗战爆发以后,久大盐业公司内迁四川自贡,创建了久大自贡制盐厂。战时久大自贡盐厂所面临的外部环境与战前久大天津公司相比截然不同:在社会环境方面,政府从战前的川盐节制生产政策转为战时“川盐增产”政策,盐业政策的改变为久大内迁设厂和生产提供了有利条件,但是与自贡盐商的陌生,又给久大的设厂和生产活动带来了不利影响;在自然环境方面,久大被迫从战前生产海盐转为战时生产井盐,生产工艺发生巨大变化,生产成本也急剧提高;在市场环境方面,战前久大由于生产海盐,不存在原料短缺的问题,战时由于富荣盐场卤水和煤炭供给不足,加之部分盐商的抵制,久大卤水和煤炭供给不足的问题则十分突出,造成企业开工严重不足。为适应新的企业外部环境,久大盐厂采取了一系列积极有效的应对措施,包括实行技术公开、推行技术革新、发展盐化工业、谋求原燃料自给等。这些措施的实施一方面使得企业一定程度上适应了新的外部环境,从而能够顺利设厂并投入生产,另一方面也加速了战时自贡盐业的近代化进程。 After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, a long time big salt company relocated Sichuan Zigong, created a long Zigong salt plant. In the wartime, the external environment confronting Dazigong Salt Plant was quite different from that of the former Tianjin Jiuzhaigou Company: in terms of social environment, the government shifted from the pre-war Sichuan salt and pepper production control policy to the wartime “Sichuan salt production increase” The change of policy and salt policy provided favorable conditions for relocating factories and production for a long time, but unfamiliar with Zigong salt merchants brought adverse effects on the establishment of long-established factories and production activities. In terms of the natural environment, For a long time forced to shift from the pre-war production of sea salt to wartime production of salt, the production process has undergone tremendous changes, production costs have risen sharply; in the market environment, long before the war due to the production of sea salt, there is no shortage of raw materials, wartime Due to inadequate supply of brine and coal from Fuyong saltworks and resistance by some salt traders, the problem of a long supply of brine and insufficient coal supplies is extremely prominent, resulting in a serious shortage of enterprises’ operation. In order to adapt to the new external environment of the enterprise, Jiuda Salt Factory adopted a series of positive and effective countermeasures, including implementing technology openness, promoting technological innovation, developing salinization industry and seeking self-sufficiency of raw materials. On the one hand, the implementation of these measures has enabled the enterprises to adapt to a new external environment to a certain extent so that they can set up factories smoothly and put into production. On the other hand, they accelerated the modernization of Zigong salt industry during the war.
辽朝是我国古代契丹族建立的政权,历时二百余年,对祖国历史的发展做出了重要贡献,对周边国家也产生一定影响。 一、统一祖国北方,为以后全国性统一奠定基础 辽朝统一我国北
简要介绍了旋挖钻机回转自动定位控制系统实现的功能、应用的控制技术、系统硬件构成和软件实现流程图以及在实际应用中对提高劳动效率、保证成孔质量的作用。 The function