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“指示”这一文种是从古代的“训”、“札”、“敕谕”和辛亥革命时期的“饬”等文体名称演变而来的,新中国成立后改称为“指示”。1993年11月21日修订发布的《国家行政机关公文处理办法》(下简称《办法》)规定,指示“适用于对下级机关布置工作,阐明工作活动的指导原则”。这个规定揭示了“指示”的作用、内容和应用范围,它不仅可以对全局性工作或普遍性、全局性问题提出指导性意见,还可以针对某项工作或局部性问题向下级机关布置任务、说明意义、提出办法,也可以针对下级机关在工作进程中所产生的新情况、新问题提出指导意见。它的应用范围较大,是一种政策指导性的公文。指示在我国新民主主义革命时期的党和国家机关中经常使用。新中国成立近50年间,我国法定行政公文文种的数量时有变化,到逐步减少而稳定在月前的12类13种,指示在多次更替中始终被规定为法定行政公文文种.由此可见,指示有其他文种无可替代的作用,是一种重要的行政公文文种,是国家行政机关实施管理的一种不可替代的重要工具。 The term “instruction” evolved from stylistic names such as “training”, “zha”, “oracle” and “yi” in the period of the 1911 Revolution. After the founding of new China, it was renamed as “direction.” The Measures for the Administration of Official Documents in State Administrative Organs (hereinafter referred to as the Measures) stipulated in the revised and promulgated on November 21, 1993 indicate that “it is applicable to the guidelines for the layout of work by lower-level organs and the clarification of work activities.” This stipulation reveals the role, content and scope of application of the Directive. It can not only provide guidance on the overall work or the general and general issues, but also assign tasks to lower-level organs on a certain work or partial issue, Explain the significance of the proposed approach can also be directed at the lower authorities in the work process of new situations and new issues to give guidance. Its wide range of applications, is a policy-oriented document. Directives are frequently used in the party and state organs during the period of our country’s new-democratic revolution. In the recent 50 years since the founding of New China, the number of legal administrative documents in our country has been changing from time to time, gradually decreasing to 12 categories and 13 kinds that were stable before the month. The directives have always been stipulated as statutory administrative documents in many alternations. This shows that there is an irreplaceable role for other languages ​​and is an important type of administrative document and is an irreplaceable and important tool for the state administration to carry out its administration.
新闻工作者历来被誉为社会的良心、社会正义的呼唤者和捍卫者。当今之世,每个新闻工作者,都要扪心自问,你是否无愧于这些称号? Journalists have always been praised as t