Comparative Study of the Shielding Properties of Slotted Enclosure with Inner or Outer Excitations U

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Finite element method (FEM) is employed in this paper to conduct the comparative study of the shielding properties of enclosure with outer and inner excitations. Plane wave is adopted for the outer excitation case while coaxial cable is utilized to model
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In this paper, we study the reliability and availability characteristics of a repairable system consisting of two subsystems A and B in series. Subsystem A cons
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Peripheral nerve injury is a common occurrence and represents a major economic burden for society. The development of novel strategies to enhance peripheral ner
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编者按 今年是五四运动100周年。4月19日,习近平总书记在主持中共中央政治局第十四次集体学习时强调,纪念五四运动、发扬五四精神,必须加强对五四运动和五四精神的研究,以引导广