
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytmbg163
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幼儿园的作业进行是离不开交待的。那么,交待应注意哪些问题呢? 首先,交待要贯穿在整个作业过程当中。比如一节语言课,作业开始时,教师就要有这样的交待:小朋友,这节语言作业老师教给你们一首儿歌,名称是《我要升班了》。作业中,也要有必要的交待,象交待“请小朋友准备好”,“我教一句你们学一句”、“请小朋友齐背一遍”等等。其次,交待应该尽可能做到生动活泼。如一位老师教幼儿认识四类帽子。作业一开始,叫四名小朋友站成横队,然后将四顶不同的帽子分别给小朋友戴上。教师那富有戏剧性的动作,加上帽形的特殊,把小朋友都逗笑了。借此机会,交待了作业的内容,集中了幼儿的注意力,引起了幼儿认识帽的浓厚兴趣。再次,交待应尽量做到言简意赅。有一位教师给幼儿讲《雷锋在火车上》的故事,从雷锋在旧社会受到的苦,讲到在新社会里尝到的甜,从雷锋当兵入伍,讲到他如何成长为伟大的共产主义战士。用了近六分钟的时间才交待出作业的名称。同是讲 Kindergarten homework is inseparable from confessed. Well, explain what should pay attention to it? First of all, confessed to be run through the entire process of operation. For example, a language class, homework, the teacher should have such an explanation: Children, this language teacher taught you a song, the name is “I want to upgrade class.” Homework, but also have the necessary confesses, such as confessed “Please prepare children,” “I teach you to learn one,” “Please children back together” and so on. Second, explain should be as lively as possible. Such as a teacher to teach children know four kinds of hats. The beginning of the operation, called four children stand in a cross-team, and then four different hats were worn to children. The teacher’s dramatic action, coupled with the hat-shaped special, the kids are funny. Take this opportunity to explain the contents of homework, concentrating the attention of young children, aroused the interest of young children to recognize the hat. Again, explain should be as concise as possible. One teacher tells the story of “Lei Feng on the train” to young children, the suffering suffered by Lei Feng in the old society, the sweet taste in a new society, the army recruited from Lei Feng, how he grew up into a great communist Militant warrior. It took nearly six minutes for the job name to be given. Same as say
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有成就者,善于学习别人成功的经验,更善于借鉴别人失败的教训。借鉴和思考,可以使我们避免重蹈覆辙。 There are achievements, good at learning other people's successfu