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为深入学习贯彻党的十六大精神,把厅直机关团干部和广大团员青年的思想和行动统一到十六大精神上来,把智慧和力量凝聚到我省水利各项任务的完成上来,激励和引导广大水利战线的团员青年在开创我省水利工作新局面、实现“二次创业,富民强省”的奋斗目标中充分发挥生力军和突击队作用,厅直属机关团委于4月15日在省防汛会商中心举行了“青春年华献给党”纪念“五四”演讲比赛。来自省水利专科学校、省水利勘测设计研究院、省水文局、省水利建设工程局、省水利冲填处、省水保所、引嫩工程管理处、大庆防洪工程管理处、水利技校、桃山水库等厅直单位的15名选手参加了比赛。他们怀着激动的心情,围绕党的十六大提出的奋斗目标,用真挚的话语,从不同的角度热情讴歌了党81年来所走过的艰难历程,歌颂了改革开放以来我国在经济、文化等各个领域所取得的辉煌成就和我省水利行业近几年发生的显著变化,讲述了发生在我们身边的水利人的感人事迹,表达了愿把自己火红的青春年华献给党、献给祖国、献给水利事业的豪情壮志。参赛选手的演讲饱含激情,慷慨激昂。他们纷纷表示,要认真学习,努力工作,与时俱进,开拓创新,在开创我省水利工作新局面、实现“二次创业,富民强省”的奋斗目标中建功立业。 本期特开辟专栏,选登几篇参赛选 In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC, we should unify the thinking and actions of cadres and cadres of the departments directly under the Central Government with the vast majority of youth members in the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress, and bring wisdom and strength into the fulfillment of all tasks of water conservancy in our province. And guide the majority of water front of the youth members of the League in creating a new situation in our province water conservancy work to achieve “second pioneering, enriching the people and strengthening the province,” the goal of giving full play to the force and commando force, the agency directly under the authority of the Communist Youth League on April 15 in the province Flood Control Business Center held a “youth dedicated to the party” to commemorate the “May Fourth” speech contest. From the provincial water conservancy college, the provincial water conservancy survey design and Research Institute, the Provincial Hydrographic Bureau, the Provincial Water Conservancy Construction Engineering Bureau, irrigation and irrigation at the provincial office, the Provincial Water Inspectorate, cited tender Project Management Office, Daqing Flood Control Project Management Office, The 15 direct players in the reservoir hall and other units participated in the competition. With their excited mood and with their sincere goals and in line with the exciting goal set forth by the party’s 16th CPC National Congress, they enthusiastically sang the difficult course the party has gone through over the past 81 years from various perspectives and praised the great achievements our country has enjoyed in economy, culture since the reform and opening up And other fields made brilliant achievements and the province’s water conservancy industry in recent years, significant changes have taken place, tells the story of the water conservancy people living in our lives, expressed his willingness to dedicate their own red youth to the party dedicated to the motherland , Dedicated to the pride of the cause of water conservancy. Contestants speech full of passion, impassioned. They all said that they should earnestly study and work hard, keep pace with the times and make innovations. They should work hard to create a new situation in our province’s water conservancy work and realize the goal of “making a second venture and enriching the people and strengthening the province.” Special issue of this issue column, voted to register several entries
有一年,北大特别风行超短裙,而且一个比一个穿得短。校领导见了认为极不雅观,贴出布告欲严厉禁止。谁知布告一贴出,就掀起了轩然大波。 最先作出反应的是中文系的女生,她们
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