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历史物候记录对过去气候变化研究弥足珍贵。诗歌作为历史文献的重要体裁之一,其中的历史物候记录已得到了一定程度的整编和利用。但对诗歌物候记录的特征和处理方法仍缺乏系统的梳理和探讨。本文首先介绍了诗歌中物候记录的内容、特征及其在季节指示和反映农时中的应用,发现诗歌中的物候记录主要包括动物物候、植物物候和周期性气象、水文现象等3种,并呈现出距今越近,经济、社会越发达,记录越多的时空特点。然后,从物候记录筛选、物种鉴别、物候事件发生时间识别、物候期确定等方面总结了历史气候研究中诗歌物候记录的处理方法:1从诗歌的创作背景、文学成分、地理环境分异规律和人为影响等几个方面进行筛选,以保证其中物候记录的有效性;2区分古今动、植物名差异,并将物种鉴定到种;3针对年、月、日缺记的不同情况,依据物候规律和背景资料确定物候事件的发生时间;4根据现代物候观测标准,对诗歌中的文字描述进行归类定级,确定所包含的物候期。以期为诗歌物候记录的提取及其在历史气候研究中的应用提供理论和方法上的借鉴。 Historical records of phenology are valuable to past climate change research. As one of the important genres of historical documents, poetry has been reorganized and utilized to a certain extent. However, the characteristics of poetry records and methods of dealing with the lack of systematic review and discussion. This paper first introduces the content and characteristics of phenological records in poetry and its application in the season indication and the reflection of farming time. It finds that the phenological records in poetry mainly include three kinds of animal phenology, plant phenology and periodic meteorology, hydrology, etc. Closer to the present, economic and social more developed, more space-time characteristics of the record. Then, the paper summarizes the methods of dealing with the records of the poetic phenology in the research of historical climate from the aspects of phenology records selection, species identification, identification of the time of occurrence of phenology events, and the determination of the phenophase. Firstly, from the poetry’s creative background, literature composition, geographical differentiation and Anthropogenic impact and other aspects of screening, in order to ensure the validity of the phenological records; 2 distinction between ancient and modern animal and plant names, and the species identified to species; 3 for the year, month, day missing in mind the different circumstances, according to the law of phenology And background data to determine the occurrence time of phenological events; 4 according to modern phenological observation criteria, the text description of poetry classification and grading to determine the included phenology. With a view to providing theoretical and methodological reference for the extraction of poetic phenology records and their application in historical climate research.
下肢深静脉血栓形成(LEDVT)是血液在下肢深静脉内不正常凝结引起的疾病,血液回流受阻,出现下肢肿胀,疼痛,功能障碍。血栓脱落可引起肺栓塞(PE)。DVT 和 PE 合称为静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)。