
来源 :中国寄生虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Sampan_nb
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1975~1984年我院诊治人体棘头虫病10例,现报告如下: 一、临床资料男8例,女2例,年龄5~14岁,有两家兄弟2人均发病。10例均有在野外烧食金龟子、天牛、蝗虫等甲虫史,并均有阵发性脐周或右下腹痛史,最短者3d,最长者3年,伴有恶心者6例,呕吐8例,食欲不振5例,营养不良4例。白细胞计数11~17×10~9/L,嗜酸性粒细胞0.32~0.53,显著增高。9例联合应用大剂量驱虫药早晚各服一次排出虫体而愈,1例具急腹症表现手术治愈。排虫情况:3例服药后分别于第3、10、22d各排出棘头虫1条;3例分别于服 From 1975 to 1984 in our hospital diagnosis and treatment of 10 cases of human spine disease, are as follows: First, the clinical data of 8 males and 2 females, aged 5 to 14 years old, there are two brothers and 2 were the incidence. 10 cases were in the wild burning beetles, beetles, locusts and other beetles history, and have paroxysmal umbilical or right lower abdominal pain history, the shortest 3d, the longest three years, with nausea in 6 cases, vomiting 8 cases, loss of appetite in 5 cases, malnutrition in 4 cases. White blood cell count 11 ~ 17 × 10 ~ 9 / L, eosinophils 0.32 ~ 0.53, significantly higher. Nine cases of combined use of large doses of anthelmintic treatment sooner or later, once discharged from the body and more, 1 case of acute abdomen surgery showed healing. Excretion situation: 3 cases were taken after the first 3,10,22 d were discharged a spinel thorn; 3 cases were in the service
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