Theoretical Analysis on the Air-Condition Cabin Technique for Satellite Temperature Adjustment on th

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaomei52689
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The aim of this paper is to study the heat transfer mechanism of the air-condition cabin technique for satellite temperature adjustment on the ground before the launch of those satellites with pressurized structure. By the study, the temperature of the satellite can be set appropriately, and this is very important to the initial satellite temperature after the satellite operates in orbit. In the paper, the simplified physical model is provided and the mathematical equations are obtained, thereafter, the experimental data are compared with the theoretical analysis. The quantitative conclusions from the theoretical analysis can be used to direct the design or the experiment of the temperature adjustment. Finally, we can conclude that, the temperature variation rule of the satellite is exponential, and the temperature adjustment process can be predicted by the exponential formula, which is obtained from the theoretical analysis. The aim of this paper is to study the heat transfer mechanism of the air-condition cabin technique for satellite temperature adjustment on the ground before the launch of those satellites with pressurized structure. By the study, the temperature of the satellite can be set appropriately, and this is very important to the initial satellite temperature after the satellite operates in orbit. In the paper, the simplified physical model is provided and the mathematical equations are obtained, thereafter, the experimental data are compared with the theoretical analysis. the theoretical analysis can be used to direct the design or the experiment of the temperature adjustment. which we can conclude that, the temperature variation rule of the satellite is exponential, and the temperature adjustment process can be predicted by the exponential formula, which is obtained from the theoretical analysis.
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