自1988年国务院批准组织实施以发展生产、搞活流通为主要内容,以改善大中城市副食品供应为基本目标的“菜篮子工程”以来,我国蔬菜生产迅猛发展,产销格局发生了根本性的变化。10年中,蔬菜供求形势的变化大体经历了从供应短缺到基本满足需求、再到供求相对充裕三个阶段。 (一)蔬菜生产迅猛发展,人均占有量已超过世界人均水平 1997年,全国蔬菜播种面积达11288千公顷,比1990年增加4950千公顷,增长78.1%;蔬菜总产量达3.45亿吨,比1990年增加1.5亿吨,增长76.6%。蔬菜人均占有量已达279公斤,比1990年增加
Since the State Council approved the organization and implementation of the “vegetable basket project” with the basic objective of developing production and invigorating the circulation of non-staple foods in order to improve the supply of non-staple foods in large and medium-sized cities, the rapid development of vegetable production in China took root in 1988 Variety. In the past 10 years, the changes in the vegetable supply and demand generally experienced three stages, from supply shortage to basic satisfaction to demand and supply. (I) Rapid Development of Vegetable Production Per Capita Has Exceed World Per Capita In 1997, the national planted area of vegetables reached 112,888 hectares, an increase of 4,950 hectares or 78.1% over 1990; the total output of vegetables reached 345 million tons, up from 1990 Annual increase of 150 million tons, an increase of 76.6%. The per capita possession of vegetables has reached 279 kilograms, an increase over 1990