
来源 :无机化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:palerm97
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A novel one-dimension coordination polymer n was synthesized through the reaction of alpha, alpha’-dichloro-p-xylene and HgI2 in mixed MeOH-THF (1∶1) solution. The compound was characterized by X-ray crystallography and crystallizes in orthorhombic with space group Pnma. The cell parameters of the title compound are: a=0.936 3(2) nm, b=1.769 4(4) nm, c=1.032 2(2) nm, α=90°. Attractive I...I interactions link HgI2(btx) chains directly resulting in the formation of three-dimensional network structure. In addition, the compound shows better luminescence spectroscopic property in the solid state, and is thermally stable below 126 ℃. CCDC: 233053. A novel one-dimension coordination polymer n was synthesized through the reaction of alpha, alpha’-dichloro-p-xylene and HgI2 mixed in MeOH-THF (1: 1) orthorhombic with space group Pnma. The cell parameters of the title compound are: a = 0.936 3 (2) nm, b = 1.769 4 (4) nm, c = 1.032 2 (2) nm, α = 90 °. ..I interactions link HgI2 (btx) chains directly resulting in the formation of three-dimensional network structure. In addition, the compound shows better luminescence spectroscopic property in the solid state, and is thermally stable below 126 ° C. CCDC: 233053.
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目的探讨薏苡仁油对人前列腺癌PC-3细胞的抑制作用。方法建立人前列腺癌PC-3细胞裸鼠移植瘤模型,以2、6 m L/kg剂量的薏苡仁油连续ig给药26 d,绘制肿瘤生长曲线,实验结束后摘
摘 要:本文对“大校长”给出了界定,并从高瞻远瞩的视野,海纳百川的气度,清晰灵动的思维,一往无前的气魄等四个方面对“大校长”应具备的能力、品格等内涵进行了详细的解读。  关键词:视野;胸怀;思维;气魄  中图分类号:G471 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)10-003-02  0  什么样的校长是好校长?怎样才能做个好校长?这是一个热门话题,也是一个老话题。  笔者从1