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针对激光二极管阵列提出了“组合模”概念,计算了组合模的远场分布.每个组合模在远场的空间分布呈双瓣结构.基于激光二极管阵列组合模的远场分布特征,设计了离轴外腔反馈的激光二极管阵列.运用此装置所获得激光二极管阵列的远场分布有了明显变化.与自由运转的激光二极管阵列相比,离轴外腔反馈的激光二极管阵列远场宽度减少了4.3倍.在抽运电流为16A时,测得输出激光的功率1.82 W,这相当于相同电流下自由运转激光器输出功率的79%.组合模理论不仅可以用来指导设计一维离轴外腔反馈激光二极管阵列,而且也可以用于设计二维离轴外腔反馈激光二极管阵列.二维离轴外腔反馈激光二极管阵列可以产生高功率,高光束质量输出的激光. The concept of “combination mode ” was proposed for the laser diode array and the far-field distribution of the combined modes was calculated. The spatial distribution of each combination mode in the far field was double-lobed. Based on the far field distribution characteristics of the laser diode array combination mode, A laser diode array with off-axis external cavity feedback is designed and the far-field distribution of the laser diode array obtained by using this device has obviously changed.Compared with the free running laser diode array, the off-axis external cavity laser diode array far field The width is reduced by 4.3 times and the output laser power is 1.82 W measured at the pumping current of 16 A. This is equivalent to 79% of the output power of the free-running laser at the same current. The combinatorial theory can not only be used to guide the design of one-dimensional Axis external feedback laser diode array and can also be used to design two-dimensional off-axis external cavity feedback laser diode arrays. Two-dimensional off-axis external cavity feedback laser diode arrays can produce high power, high beam quality laser outputs.
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