Marxism is the historical product of the maturation of the capitalist mode of production in Western Europe. After its scientific principles were introduced into Russia, it inevitably brought about a series of new characteristics different from those of the socialist movement in Western Europe. It must be observed that the victory of the October Revolution is above all the manifestation of these new traits in Russia. This is the essence of Leninism. Only by studying this essence can we grasp the impact of the October Revolution on the historical process of the world as well as the world at large. To distinguish the political nature of the October Revolution from its social content is the only “entrance” to reveal the substantive ills of the “Soviet model.” To study the October Revolution can not be confined to the short history before or after the October Revolution, but also systematically studies the entire historical context and social environment that led to the Leninist theory and the Bolshevik Party. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to grasp the lessons learned from the socialist course in the former Soviet Union