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1 中小驼峰现代化是目前驼峰研究的重点 自60年代至80年代,我国驼峰调车场研究的重点是探索大、中型驼峰调车场现代化改造方案,经过近30年的努力,已基本解决。但目前承担全路30~40%改编作业量的不设间隔制动位的中、小型驼峰调车场,绝大多数调车设备仍十分落后,调车作业安全得不到保证,调车作业效率较低,因此目前应在继续完善大、中型驼峰现代化改造的同时,将中、小驼峰现代化作为重点进行研究与开发是十分必要的。 中、小驼峰现代化改造,照套、照搬大、中型驼峰采用的制式是很不经济的,也不尽适 1 Small and Medium Hump Modernization is the Key Point of Hump Research Since the 1960s and 1980s, the research on the hump shunting yard in China has focused on exploring the modernization programs for the large and medium-sized hump yard. After nearly 30 years of efforts, it has been basically solved. However, currently undertaking 30 to 40% of the total workload of the reorganization of the operation without spacing brake bit medium and small hump shunting yard, the vast majority of shunting equipment is still very backward, shunting operations can not be guaranteed security, shunting efficiency Therefore, at the same time, it is necessary to continue the improvement of the modernization of large and medium-sized humps at the same time that it is necessary to carry out research and development on the modernization of middle and small humps as the focus. Medium and small hump modernization, according to set, copy the large and medium-sized hump adopted by the formula is not economical, not perfect
种种迹象表明,大众汽车正在借助赛车运动的推广,将自己的另一面展现给中国市场和消费者。大众进口汽车销售有限公司总经理沙德近日对记者表示:“尚酷杯(Scirocco Cup)是大众
THE terracotta warriors and horses of Qinshihuang’s mausoleum have been drawing the world’s attention since they were first unearthed in 1974. Hailed by Frenc