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产业聚集区的建设是南阳市优化经济结构、转变发展方式,实现科学发展的重要方法和途径,是南阳市经济增长的重要抓手,目前,虽然南阳市产业聚集区的建设成效颇大,但是在发展过程中,问题还很突出,本文通过分析南阳市产业聚集区发展的环境和条件,阐述了南阳产业集聚区建设的现状及认清面临的形势,并指出了南阳产业聚集区在发展上所存在的问题,提出南阳市产业聚集区建设的思路与建议。 The construction of industrial agglomeration area is an important method and route to optimize economic structure, change the mode of development and achieve scientific development in Nanyang City. It is an important starting point for the economic growth of Nanyang City. At present, although the construction of industrial agglomeration area in Nanyang City has achieved great success, In the process of development, the problem is still outstanding. By analyzing the environment and conditions for the development of industrial agglomeration area in Nanyang, this paper expounds the status quo of Nanyang industrial agglomeration area construction and recognize the facing situation, and points out the development of Nanyang industrial agglomeration area The existing problems, put forward the ideas and suggestions of Nanyang industrial agglomeration area construction.
核心提示:在错综复杂的国内外形势下,中国经济正在稳步求进中不断蓄积新的增长动力,企稳向好的态势日益明显。  今年是“十二五”规划的收官之年,也是“十三五”规划的谋篇布局之时。正处在新常态下的中国经济,新旧动能转换正在加速,如同破茧成蝶,既充满阵痛,又充满希望。  今年10月底,党的十八届五中全会召开,指明了未来5年发展方向:未来,中国经济长期向好的趋势不会改变。  当前,中国经济告别高速增长,进入
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黼;rialtopaz(1eit)?WilliamHDaycut批ushion Imperial topaz;Bob Steveni5.48 ct.step-cushion zircon.秭魍膀出口9菁晶及2酾i作品:—霜,0.7日克劫僧由-|;且-—墙’口口c古