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广州经过改革开放30年的发展与建设,无论经济发展、社会发展以及城市建设都站到了一个新的台阶上,建立现代产业体系是广州切实转变发展方式,增强城市集聚辐射功能,提升城市综合竞争力的重要手段和方式。从建立现代产业体系的内涵和要求出发,深入分析了广州产业发展存在的主要问题,提出了建立现代产业体系的总体思路。 After 30 years of reform and opening up, Guangzhou has taken a new step in economic development, social development and urban construction. Establishing a modern industrial system is a strategy of Guangzhou to effectively change its mode of development, enhance the function of urban agglomeration and radiation, and enhance the overall competitiveness of cities Power of the important means and methods. Starting from the connotation and requirements of establishing a modern industrial system, this paper deeply analyzes the main problems existing in the industrial development in Guangzhou and puts forward the general idea of ​​establishing a modern industrial system.
白鸡腿蘑原名小孢毛鬼伞(Coprinus comatus),异名Coprinus ovatus。属担子菌亚门,层菌纲,同担子菌亚纲,伞菌目,鬼伞科,鬼伞属。在山西、河北、甘肃、青海等省均有生长。 Co
本文从BAN逻辑的语义角度讨论了并行攻击,并提出了对并行攻击的判断方法。 This paper discusses the parallel attacks from the semantic perspective of BAN logic and p
目前全省各地正在推广土窑洞简易气调贮藏苹果新技术,现摘登山西农科院果树所试验场的操作规程,供学习参考。 At present, all over the province are promoting the simple