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目前,文化产业在全球范围内已展现出强劲的发展态势,其空间集聚特征作为文化产业园区的一个重要特征,带动各个产业的发展。而产业集聚也逐步成为文化产业园区研究新的趋向。衡水武强地区是一座有着深厚文化底蕴的古城,文化产业的特色拉动武强地区经济的发展。其中具有代表性的有周窝音乐小镇、西洋乐器,武强年画等,丰富的文化产业昭示着衡水文化产业园区有着良好的发展前景。本文通过调查问卷的汇总对衡水武强地区文化产业园区地缘集聚效应进行深入分析,细致地了解了文化产业园区的发展现状及存在问题,并通过具体阶段分析,为文化产业园区地缘集聚效应提出合理化的建议和解决方案。 At present, the cultural industry has shown a strong momentum of development all over the world. The characteristics of spatial agglomeration as an important feature of the cultural industry park have driven the development of various industries. Industrial agglomeration has also gradually become a new trend in the study of cultural industries. Hengshui Wuqiang area is an ancient city with a profound cultural background. The characteristics of the cultural industry drive the economic development in the Wuqiang area. Among them are Zhouwe Music Town, Western musical instruments and Wuqiang New Year pictures. The rich cultural industry shows that Hengshui Cultural Industry Park has a good prospect of development. This paper analyzes the geopolitical agglomeration effect of cultural industry park in Hengqiang Wuqiang area through the compilation of survey questionnaires, and gives a detailed understanding of the current situation and existing problems in the development of the cultural industry park. Through the analysis of specific stages, it rationalizes the geopolitical agglomeration effect of the cultural industry park Suggestions and solutions.
经国务院批准,由江苏省人民政府主办、中国纺织工业协会协办的第一届江苏国际服装节于1999年8月29日至9月1日在南京举行。江苏国际服装节的宗旨是 汇集中外名品,促进产业升
中国钢铁年会是由中国金属学会定期举办的以科技交流为主的综合性会议,每两年一次。 2001中国钢铁年会是21世纪中国钢铁界第一次盛大的科技活动,本届年会共收到国内科技论文
●中国会议网(http://WWW.chiremeeting.com) 中国会议网是中国一家全面介绍会议、会展信息的专业网站,通过互联网对外发布国内、国际会展、会议消息并介绍国际、国内知名的
在新春佳节到来之际,我代表Oracle公司祝广大Oracle客户和合作伙伴以及《电子商务世 On the occasion of the coming of the Spring Festival, on behalf of Oracle Corpor