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淮山,也称:山药、山芋、淮山药等。《本经》记载:味甘,温。《别录》记载:平、无毒。《本草求真》中记载:山药,本属食物,古人用入汤剂,谓其补脾益气除热。功用主治;健脾,补肺,固肾。治脾虚泄泻,久痢等。在我国的广东沿海一带有长期食用的习惯。尤其是当孩子出生后3个月左右就开始让孩子作为辅食食用。淮山的主要成份有:皂甙、黏液质、胆碱、淀粉、糖蛋白和游离氨基酸、维生素C。淮山皂甙具有改善血液循环,增强机体对外界病菌的抵抗能力提高身体素质。黏液质、胆碱、糖蛋白和氨基酸都有较强的生物活性,在机体代谢过程中能起到一定的调节作用。婴幼儿时期,由于胃肠功能发育不完善、稍有不慎,就会因饮食不当引起功能性腹泻或便秘。从传统的中医理论来说,这时就应让孩子服用一些润肠。健脾、祛热的小儿中药或食物。医生还会让孩子服用乳酸菌片剂等一些调节肠道正常细菌比例和代谢环境的药物。淮山无论是它的药用价值还是它的保健 Yam, also known as: yam, potato, yam and other drugs. “The Book” records: Sweet, warm. “Do not record” records: flat, non-toxic. “Materia Medica truth” in the record: yam, the food, the ancients into the decoction, that its spleen Qi heat addition. Indications; spleen, lungs, Gushen. Spleen diarrhea treatment, a long dysentery and so on. In our country along the coast of Guangdong have long-term eating habits. Especially when the child is about 3 months after birth, the child starts to be used as food supplement. The main ingredients of yam are: saponin, mucus, choline, starch, glycoproteins and free amino acids, vitamin C. Hibiscus saponin has improved blood circulation, enhance the body’s resistance to germs outside to improve physical fitness. Mucus, choline, glycoproteins and amino acids have strong biological activity, can play a regulatory role in the body’s metabolism. Infancy, due to imperfect gastrointestinal function development, a little careless, it will lead to functional diarrhea or constipation due to improper diet. From the traditional theory of traditional Chinese medicine, this time should let the children take some intestines. Spleen, Asthma children’s medicine or food. Doctors also allow their children to take lactic acid bacteria tablets and some other drugs that regulate the proportion of normal bacteria in the gut and metabolize the environment. Whether its medicinal value is its medicinal value or its health care
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“我们也画素描,但目的不是为了绘画”。这是我给学生上课时常讲的一句话,目的在于说明设计素描与绘画素描不同。 在中国,艺术院校设立设计专业或设计系,时间并不算长;但却
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1999年,以保存和发展世界文化为职责的联合国教科文组织与日本芬理希株式会社一起联合发起“Chic Chinoi雅致中华”DESIGN21二十一世纪生活文化设计国际大赛活动,旨在跨越时
  Research collaborations have a synergistic effect that often yield good results, so they are always encouraged.However, creating and organizing a strong res