Propagation of vibrations in thawing deep seasonally frozen soils in railway subgrade

来源 :Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdw_king
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In this study, in-situ testing results are given, and the analytical relationship of the vibrations’ amplitudes inside an embankment by the thawing of the subgrade surface of seasonably deep frozen soils is provided. The peculiarities of the vibration waves’ propagation during the springtime thawing of soils compared to those during the summertime period and the correlation of the vibrations with the under-rail basement modulus of elasticity are defined. In this study, in-situ testing results are, and the analytical relationship of the vibrations ’amplitudes inside an embankment by the thawing of the subgrade surface of seasonably deep frozen soils is provided. The peculiarities of the vibration waves’ propagation during the springtime thawing of soils compared to those during the summertime period and the correlation of the vibrations with the under-rail basement modulus of elasticity are defined.
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