57年前,一位生活在大都市的少女,怀揣着七彩梦,竟行程三个月鬼差神使般地嫁到泸沽湖作土司夫人。当年的小妹妹如今已是白发染鬓,布满沟壑的脸上刻满了岁月的沧桑。当她回到曾生活过12年的这座城市时,恍如隔世—— 从成都出发乘了近20个小时的火车后,又包租一辆中巴车,抵云南华坪、宁蒗两县,过原始森林、穿羊肠小道,颠簸整整一天时间方看到一个偌大的淡水湖——泸沽湖。黄昏的泸沽湖象一位美丽的少女,蒙上一层薄薄
57 years ago, a girl living in a metropolis, carrying colorful dreams, actually trip three months ghosts and deeds to marry the Lugu Lake as Tusi lady. The little sister of that year is now white-haired, full of gully filled with years of vicissitudes of life. When she returned to the city she had lived in for 12 years, she was like a beholder - a 20-hour train ride from Chengdu and a chartered bus to Huafen and Ninglang counties The pristine forest, wearing a sheep intertwined trail, bumpy full day time to see a huge freshwater lake - Lugu Lake. Dusk Lake Lugu like a beautiful girl, cast a thin layer