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以“万众一心、众志成城,不畏艰险、百折不挠,以人为本、尊重科学”为主要内容的伟大抗震救灾精神,对于培育当代青年官兵在非战争军事行动中全心全意为人民服务的宗旨意识有着重要的引导意义。在新的历史条件下,我军的青年教育工作可以通过发扬传统、着眼未来,并结合当前军队参加抗震救灾工作的实际,以抗震救灾精神培育青年官兵在非战争军事行动中“团结人民、依靠人民、心系人民、鼓舞人民、尊重人民、关爱人民”的宗旨意识。 The spirit of great earthquake relief with “one heart and one heart to one’s determination, resoluteness and determination, indomitableness, people-oriented, and respect for science” has an important guiding role in nurturing the awareness of the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly by contemporary young officers and men in non-war military operations significance. Under the new historical conditions, our army’s youth education can nurture young officers and men in non-war military operations in the spirit of earthquake relief in light of the tradition, the future and the current military participation in the earthquake relief work. “We should unite the people, Rely on the people, heart the people, inspire the people, respect the people, care for the people, ”the purpose of consciousness.
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