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今年是毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》(以下简称《讲话》)发表五十周年。《讲话》对文艺工作者的改造思想、深入生活,在同群众结合的过程中起到极其巨大的作用。当然,对我这个文艺战线上的一名小兵,也是如此。我最早得知《讲话》的消息,是在1942年下半年。那是在抗日战争时期,我在铜仁国立第三中学高中读书时,由地下党和进步老师刘苇、余心清等在图书馆后面开辟的密室中的《新华日报》上看到的;但真正看到《讲话》的全文,却是在时隔六年以后的一次偶然机遇中,那是笼罩在黑暗中的解放前夕的贵阳。1947年,我在一个大学读书,当时我刚从南京中央学参与“五二○”学生运动回来。积极投入当时震动全国的反内战、反饥饿、反迫害,要求和平,民主运动。在学校,我正负责主编一个墙报。一天深夜,诗人阿严把所从酣梦中叫醒过来,说墙报还差一篇稿 This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of Mao Zedong’s speech on “Yan’an Literary and Art Symposium” (hereinafter referred to as “speech”). “Speech” on the transformation of literary and art workers thinking, in-depth life, in the process of combining with the masses play an extremely tremendous role. Of course, this is true of a soldier on my literary front. The first thing I learned about “speech” was in the second half of 1942. During the Anti-Japanese War, when I was in Tongren National High School, I read “Xinhua Daily” in the secret room opened by the underground party and progressive teacher Liu Wei and Yu Xinqing in the back of the library. However, I really read To the full text of the speech, it was Guiyang, which shrouded in the darkness on the eve of liberation, after a lapse of six years. In 1947, I was studying at a university when I just came back from participating in the “May 20” student movement from Central School of Nanjing. Actively involved in the anti-civil war that was then shaking the country, fighting hunger and fighting persecution, and calling for peace and democracy. At school, I am in charge of editing a poster. One late night, the poet Ah Yan awakened from his dreams and said that the poster was even worse
您公司里的员工常常迟到吗?您的学生上课总是打瞌睡吗?别一味地责怪他们偷懒,不求上进。其实,他们可能另有苦衷。 Do employees in your company often arrive late? Are yo