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近些年来,由于科技水平的不断跃升,3D激光打印定型工艺在我国汽车制造、航空领域、工业发展及医疗卫生等产业中获取了广泛的运用,然而很多相关业者对其运用的过程和效果持有不同的想法。笔者依托对照3D激光打印定型模具和过去我国模具制品加工工艺彼此之间的强弱项,如实的评析了3D激光打印定型工艺对模具产品加工工艺技术促进作用,且确定了3D激光打印定型工艺和模具产品制作工艺完整匹配的途径。 In recent years, due to the constantly rising level of science and technology, 3D laser printing stereotypes in China’s automobile manufacturing, aviation, industrial development and medical and health and other industries to obtain a wide range of applications, but many related industries to its use of the process and effect of holding Have different ideas. The author relies on contrast 3D laser printing stereotypes molds and mold products in the past, the strength of the process between each other, a true assessment of the 3D laser printing stereotypes mold processing technology to promote the role of products and to determine the 3D laser printing process and stereotypes Die product production process a complete way to match.
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有史以来,人们一直传说深海里一片死寂,没有任何生物,只有无边的黑暗。由于受科技发展水平所限,过去谁也没亲身下去过,大家也就对此说法坚信不移。  1818年,探索北极的约翰·罗斯爵士从1800米深处的海中取回部分海底沉积物,从中发现了蠕虫。上面的传说才开始受到质疑。1955年前后,在中南美洲的太平洋外海,发生了多起大型抹香鲸被处在近千米深的海底电缆缠死的事件。由于那时的海底电缆只是松松地布置在海底。
In the course of my studies of the ophiurans of southern China,I found a very strikingnew species of the genus Amphilimna and named it A.polyacantha sp.nov.the
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。郭晓光油画作品@郭晓光$东北师范大学美术教育发展委员会 Please download to view, this article does not support online ac
Bioassays are important laboratory experiments in an attempt to interprete what is occurring in the field. The effect of various potential pollutants, especial