Chinese Philosophy of Value over the Past Four Decades

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Chinese philosophy of value arose from reflection on the Cultural Revolution and an inherent need amidst the implementation of reform and opening up,and it was directly triggered by extensive discussions about the standard of truth.The development of the philosophy of value over the past forty years shifted from value to evaluation before moving on to the research topics of values,in particular core socialist values.Currently,its major characteristics are the unity of theoretical logic and practical logic,the mutual interaction between and enhancement of the study of the philosophy of value and research on Marxist philosophy,and exchanges and dialogues with foreign philosophies of value.Its main achievements in the philosophy of value include the implementation of a subjective paradigm based on the theory of practice and the theoretical construction and clarification of core socialist values.Future directions for the development of the philosophy of value include improving subjective interpretation on the basis of the theory of practice,deeply exploring value concepts and value principles in the new form of civilization,and bringing the philosophy of value into interaction with multidisciplinary research.
Since China's reform and opening up in 1978,the study of Chinese philosophy has proceeded together with the times,not only making tremendous academic progress,b
摘要:我国政府间转移支付虽然起到了一定的财力均等化作用,但其自身存在许多问题与不足,应采取措施提供基本公共服务、完善财政转移支付、形成统一规范透明的财政转移支付制度、提高一般性转移支付规模,加大公共领域服务投入,推进基本公共服务均等化。  关键词:财力;财政转移;支付规模  一、引言  财政转移支付横向均等化,主要指中央政府通过进行财政倾斜性的补贴,加强落后地区政府的财政能力,从而推动落后地区所提
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中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A DOI:10.19387/j.cnki.1009-0592.2019.12.330  德为立国之基、树人之本。为适应社会的快速发展,为应对我国社会主要矛盾的变化,国家颁布了《新时代公民道德建设实施纲要》,并发出通知,要求全国上下结合实际情况认真贯彻落实,积极发挥各类阵地的道