香港舞蹈团建团于1981年,至今已有了二十年的历史,此次受邀专程前往香港致贺,其中最重要的一项活动,即是观摩由该团艺术总监蒋华轩先生编剧及编舞的献礼大型舞剧《梁祝》。 单从题材而言,《梁祝》不知有了多少版本,也不知有多少艺术门类涉及过这个家喻户晓的民间传说,就是我们知道的舞蹈和舞剧就不下几十部。中国的老百姓可能不知道罗密欧与朱丽叶,但一定
The Hong Kong Dance Company was established in 1981 and has been in existence for over 20 years. The solicitation made a special trip to Hong Kong to greet him. One of the most important activities of the Hong Kong Dance Company is to observe the screenplay and composition by the artistic director of the Mission, Mr. Jiang Huasuan Dance gift large dance “Butterfly Lovers.” From the subject matter alone, “Butterfly Lovers” I do not know how many versions, but also do not know how many art categories involved in this well-known folklore, that is, we know the dance and ballet no less than a dozen. Chinese people may not know Romeo and Juliet, but certainly