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作风,是一个执政党的生命。作风建设是党建工作常抓常新的永恒课题。在一个地区,党风政风民风,体现在领导干部身上的作风,直接左右着社会环境和发展大局。我们党的几代领导人都高度重视作风建设,有过许多精辟的论述。毛泽东同志提出了两个“务必”:“务必使同志们继续地保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风,务必使同志们继续地保持艰苦奋斗的作风。”邓小平同志强调:“只要你关心群众,同群众打成一片,不仅不搞特殊化,而且同群众一块吃苦,任何问题都容易解决,任何困难都能够克服。”江泽民同志要求全党“想群众之所虑,急群众之所难,谋群众之所求,扎扎实实地解决好关系改革发展稳定全局和影响群众生产生活的各种紧迫问题,以改革工作作风的实际行动取信于民。”胡锦涛同志总结道:“保持党同人民群众的血肉联系,是我们党无往而不胜的法宝,也是我们党始终保持先进性的法宝。”党的“十八大”以后,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央更是高度重视党的作风建设,中央政治局通过关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规定,要求各级领导干部带头,以良好党风带动政风民风,真正赢得群众信任和拥护。要下大决心改进作风,切实解决群众反映强烈的问题,始终保持同人民群众的血肉联系。 Style, is the life of a ruling party. The construction of style is the eternal task that the party building often grasps. In one area, the work style of the party style and the government style embodied in the style of leading cadres directly affect the social environment and overall development. Several generations of our party leaders have attached great importance to style construction and have had many incisive discourses. Comrade Mao Zedong put forward two “musts”: “It is essential that comrades be kept in a humble, cautious, arrogant and impatient manner and that comrades should continue to maintain the style of arduous struggle.” “Comrade Deng Xiaoping emphasized : ”As long as you care about the masses and blend in with the masses, we will not only pursue specializations but also work hard with the masses. Any problems will be easily solved and any difficulties can be overcome.“ ”Comrade Jiang Zemin urged the entire party to“ think about the concerns of the masses , Urgently needs the masses, solves all kinds of urgent problems concerning the reform, development, stability, overall situation and the people’s livelihood, and takes the practical action of reforming the work style to win the trust of the people. ”“ Comrade Hu Jintao concluded Said: ”Maintaining a flesh-and-blood relationship between the party and the masses of the people is a magic weapon invincible to our party and a magic weapon that our party always maintains its advanced nature." After the 18th National Congress of the CPC, with Comrade Xi Jinping The CPC Central Committee General Secretary also attaches great importance to the party’s work style construction. The Central Political Bureau passed the eight provisions on improving working style and contacting the masses in a close manner. It demanded that leading cadres at all levels take the lead and lead the people with good party style Wind, the real win the trust and support of the masses. They must resolutely improve their working style and resolutely solve the problem of the masses’ strong reaction so as to always maintain the flesh and blood ties with the masses of the people.
目的 分析学龄前儿童保健中视力筛查的应用效果.方法 按照随机数字法选取2018年1月~2019年7月在本院进行视力筛查的儿童184名为本文研究对象,本文参与研究的所有儿童均进行屈
目的 探究在对脑梗死患者进行治疗时,应阿司匹林联合硫酸氢氯吡格雷进行治疗的效果.方法 将本次研究实验时段设置为2017年4月~2019年3月,纳入60例患者作为研究对象,均分为对照
目的 分析高血压患者的临床合理用药指导临床效果.方法 对本院2018年10月~2019年10月收治的48例高血压患者投入到本次研究中,比较患者的血压情况.结果 指导后,患者的舒张压和
目的 探究冠心病心力衰竭患者应用普伐他汀联合美托洛尔治疗的价值.方法 选取2017年6月~2019年6月冠心病心力衰竭患者100例,随机分为对照组(美托洛尔)与观察组(美托洛尔+普伐
目的 探究清肺止咳化痰汤与盐酸氨溴索雾化吸入对CB急性发作患者疗效、肺功能的影响.方法 选取本院80例CB急性发作患者,随机分为实验组(n=41)、对照组(n=39),分别应用清肺止
目的 分析在寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经患者治疗中合用温针灸及中医药四逆汤加味的治疗价值.方法 对照组采用温针灸疗法治疗,同期观察组加用中医药四逆汤加味内服治疗.结果 观察组
目的 针对高血压急症患者,探析中西医结合治疗高血压的临床效果.方法 本文病例数据均为本院2018年7月~2019年8月收治的高血压急症患者,依据患者以及家属的意愿,将患者分为两个
目的 研究手外伤感染患者创面修复治疗中封闭式负压引流术的应用价值.方法 选取2017年1月~2018年1月于本院接受治疗的90例手外伤感染患者作为研究对象,将所有参与研究的患者随
目的 分析阿司匹林联合硫酸氢氯吡格雷口服治疗脑梗死的有效性和安全性.方法 选取2018年10月~2019年3月在本院住院治疗的50例脑梗死患者为研究对象.以单双数的方式将患者分为