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今年6月17日起,福建省将乐县连续6天暴雨滂沱,近百年一遇的特大洪水咆哮肆虐,多处山体发生泥石流。瞬间,农田被冲毁,洪水吞噬了农民赖以生存的水稻烟叶、瓜果蔬菜、鸡鸭牛羊。全县受灾人口达14.5万人,农作物受灾9.12万亩,成为福建省的重灾县之一。面对这场灾难,全县各 June 17 this year, Jiangle County, Fujian Province, torrential rains for 6 days in a row, nearly a hundred years of major flood raging raging, landslides occurred in many mountains. Immediately, farmland was destroyed, the flood swallowed rice farmers rely on the survival of tobacco, fruits and vegetables, chickens, ducks and sheep. The county affected population of 145000 people, crops affected 9100 acres, one of the hardest hit in Fujian Province. Faced with this disaster, the county each
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深夜,迅猛而至的洪水包围了村庄,5位被洪水围困的老人命悬一线。危急时刻,县乡干部、政法干警挺身而出,冒险展开了一场生死大营救。 Late at night, swift floods encircled
Substitution reactions of 5-(4-nitrophenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin (NO_2TPP) and its metal complexes with different nucleophilic reagents were studied for
In this paper, we develope the new standardization methods to eliminate the influence in capillary electrophoresis (CE). The markers were used to determine the
介绍了 4M12 - 5 5 / 2 2 0 -I型压缩机在安装过程中应注意的几个要点及处理方法 ,叙述了该机型试车检验的方法、步骤及注意事项 The 4M12 - 5 5/2 2 0 - I type compressor
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