
来源 :河北林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuhuizuizong
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1月30日至12月2日,省林业局局长王海洋率队赴深圳市考察绿道网建设,省林业局副局长刘凤庭以及有关处室、单位负责同志陪同考察。考察组一行先后听取了广东省林业局、深圳市城管局关于全省和深圳市绿道网建设的情况介绍,参观了龙岗区、福田区 From January 30 to December 2, Wang Haiyang, director of the provincial forestry bureau, led a team to Shenzhen to study the construction of the greenway network, Liu Fengting, deputy director of the provincial forestry bureau, and responsible comrades from the relevant offices and units. The inspection team and his entourage listened to the briefing by Guangdong Provincial Forestry Bureau and Shenzhen Urban Management Bureau on the construction of the greenway network in the whole province and Shenzhen City and visited Longgang District and Futian District
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