Yield Criterial for Layered Rock Mass with Bending Effect

来源 :岩石力学与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kf3567
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Two simplified yield functions are proposed for the layered rock mass with bending effect on the basis of two different hypotheses’ By being compiled into the FEM program, they are used to evaluate the deformation of a cantilever. The results show the two functions present different properties: one has brittle propertyl the other ductile, and show that they can be combined or singly used to correctly model different kind of deformation of layered rock mass. The results are proposed for the layered rock mass with bending effect on the basis of two different hypotheses’ By being compiled into the FEM program, they are used to evaluate the deformation of a cantilever. The results show the two functions present different property : one has brittle propertyl the other ductile, and show that they can be combined or singly used to correctly model different kind of deformation of layered rock mass.
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