冬小麦新品种TBT6号是用太谷核不育小麦经阶梯式轮选法育成的。1993年5月通过了天津市成果鉴定。该品种具有较强的抗旱、耐盐、抗病能力及丰产性能好等特点,已在天津、河北等地试种推广。为使种植者对TBT6号有更深刻的了解,现将TBT6号的选育经过、主要性状及栽培措施介绍如下。1 TBT6号的选育过程1980年,我们从中国农科院作物所邓景扬博士处引进10株天然授粉的太谷核不育小麦。当年秋季在天津市武清县张辛庄播种,并挑选24份种质与其相间种植,做为花粉供体。翌年,对该不育小麦进行了性状观察、选择,并对不育机制进行了验证。发现此不育小麦农艺性状和
The new winter wheat variety TBT6 was bred by stepwise rotation of Taigu nuclear sterile wheat. May 1993 passed the appraisal of Tianjin results. The variety has strong drought, salt tolerance, disease resistance and good yield characteristics, has been in Tianjin, Hebei and other places to try to promote. To enable growers to have a deeper understanding of TBT6, the selection and breeding of TBT6, the main traits and cultivation measures are as follows. 1TBT6 breeding process In 1980, we introduced from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Crops Dr. Deng Jingyang 10 natural pollination of Taigu nuclear sterile wheat. In autumn of that year, Zhang Xinzhuang was sown in Wuqing County, Tianjin, and 24 germplasms were planted with them as pollen donors. The following year, traits of the sterile wheat were observed and selected, and the infertility mechanism was verified. Discover the agronomic traits of this sterile wheat