A Contrastive Study between Chinese and Western Band Names

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  【关键词】中国乐队 英美乐队 流行文化
  【Abstract】As a component of lexicon, names are meaningful symbols, which reflect all aspects of human life. The elements of naming Chinese and western bands are nearly the same, but some other elements and forms of them differ from each other greatly. This paper aims to do a contrastive study on the band names of China and mainly two western countries: America and Britain to find out the similarities and differences. An exploration of the factors that give rise to the disparities is also made.
  【Key words】Chinese bands; American and British bands; popular culture
  1. Introduction
  A name symbolizes what it represents. Band names all over the world reflect the cultural influences on the naming system. Literature images, religious influence, music genres, the spirit of bands and so on exist in the naming system of music bands. There is a famous band“水木清华” whose members graduated from Tsinghua University. “水木” is an alternative name for Tsinghua University. The band name can be traced back to Jin Dynasty when a poet named Xie Hun wrote a poem A tour to the Western Pool in which “水木清华”referred to pleasant places. This music band is quite famous for its sentimental lyrics and touching melodies of the campus time and romance.
  Chinese, British and American bands represent modern culture, thoughts and tendency. Through analyzing all the Chinese Bands’ names provided by the leading Chinese language search engine BAIDU, and the entire American and British Bands’ names offered by the leading American search engine Google, the names of Chinese and Western music bands share some common features, but they have differences which reveal the cultural differences carved in Chinese and Western people’s life.
  2. Similarities between Chinese Band Names and Western Band Names
  2.1 Daily Life Factors
  Words related to animals, food and beverage, and the articles used in the daily life are widely adopted as band names, since they are very easy to be kept in mind.
  2.1.1 Animals
  Chinese band names: 黑豹乐队,黑鸭子,山鹰组合.
  American and British band names: Eagles, Stray Cats.
  2.1.2 Food and Beverage
  Chinese band names: 棒棒糖,棉花糖,牛奶咖啡,泡泡糖乐队,苏打绿.
  American and British band names: Peaches
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