
来源 :南京大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqh2012
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本文綜合分析界於华北地台与华南加里东地槽系(区)之間的下揚子地区的沉积建造序列、內部結构、构造变动、岩浆活动以及大地构造发展历史等方面的特征,提出該区在大地构造单元和性质方面应属於位于地台和地槽系(区)交接地带的一种新的构造型式ˉˉ台缘沉陷带。並将下揚子台缘沉陷带和安加拉——勒拿河台缘沉陷带进行了对此分析,指出二者在发展上的共同性是主要的,但又各具特色。賀兰山六盘山区和大巴山区可能是这样新的构造型式的例子。下揚子台缘沉陷带主要特点有三:(1)它的构造发展长期性,包括震旦紀和古生代的漫长地貭时期,且与相鄰地槽系(区)平行发展,因此可区別於短期发育的边緣拗陷;(2)由於在构造长期发育过程中,隆起和拗陷交替出現,其內部結构頗为复杂;(3)它可作为华北地台的一个第一級构造单元,而与地盾和台坪相並列。但从大地构造性貭言,仍属於一种过渡类型。 This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of depositional sequences, internal structures, structural changes, magmatic activities and the history of the tectonic evolution of the Lower Yangtze region between the North China Platform and the South China Caledonian Trough System (area) In terms of tectonic units and properties of the earth, it should belong to a new structural type ˉ ˉ platform margin subsidence zone located in the junction zone between the platform and the earth system (area). This paper also analyzes the subsidence zone of the Yangtze margin and the margin of the Angara - Lena river margin, pointing out that the common development in the two areas is the main, but distinct. Helan Mountain Liupanshan and Dabashan may be such a new example of the type of structure. There are three main characteristics of the subsidence zone of the Lower Yangtze platform: (1) Its structural development is long-term, including Sinian and Paleozoic long period, and parallel with the adjacent trough system (region), so it can be distinguished from short-term development (2) Due to the alternation of uplift and depression during the long-term structural development, the internal structure is rather complicated; (3) It can be used as a first-order tectonic unit in the North China platform, and Shield and Taiwan Ping phase alongside. However, from the structural tenet of the earth, it is still a type of transition.
近20 a来,中国航空运输业与旅游业均呈快速发展趋势,对两者关系的研究逐渐兴起。基于1985年以来中国航空旅客吞吐量和旅游人数的历史数据,采用面板VAR模型从全国和省域尺度定