On the Study of Multi-Gas Data Acquisition System Based on PCI1711 Card

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coldblast
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A data acquisition system for testing gas sensor array response to multi-gas is presented.The testing system is based on the character of the gas response of metal oxide semiconductor gas sensor array.The data acquisition is realized automatically through the real time controlling of the data acquisition card PCI1711.This system is highly attractive for electronic nose,which is a powerful tool for the discrimination of gases. A data acquisition system for testing gas sensor array response to multi-gas is presented. The testing of the gas system is based on the character of the gas response. data acquisition card PCI1711. This system is highly attractive for electronic nose, which is a forcing tool for the discrimination of gases.
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你高大、健壮、细心、严厉。你曾是我的依靠。虽然你已离去,但依然是我的偶像。   你就这么突然且悄无声息地离去了,给我沉重的打击。过去我们相处的美好記忆,一下子涌上心头。   还记得三年级的那个暑假,我大声嚷嚷着要学骑自行车。你爱我,当天就买了一辆性能好又适合我的自行车。还记得当时你满头大汗,连水也顾不上喝,就急忙让我看自行车。我笑了,你也笑了。你的笑温柔又可爱,深深地烙印在我心底。   第二天,你
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