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物理系的学生都去哪儿了?这是我头疼过的问题,也是一个让很多想要学物理和正在学物理的同僚关心的问题。尤其临近毕业,会看到不少同学感到迷茫,忧心出路,到底是直接工作还是考研?能够找到对口的工作吗?似乎,物理出身的我们除了科研和教书什么都干不了。我曾就这些问题与多位学长学姐和老师交流,也经常留意这方面的统计数据,找到的答案,不仅仅是“Yes”或“No”。 Where are the physics students going? This is a headache for me. It is also a problem that many peers who want to learn physics and are learning physics care about. Especially near graduation, will see many students feel confused, worry about the way out, in the end is direct work or postgraduate? Can find the right job? It seems that physical origin we can not do anything other than scientific research and teaching. I used to communicate with a number of seniors and sisters about these issues, and I often pay attention to statistics in this area. The answers I found were more than just “Yes” or “No”.
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3月28日,两架B-2隐形战略轰炸机从美国密苏里州怀特曼空军基地起飞,奔袭1.04万公里,到韩国群山直岛射击场投下8枚教练弹后,没有降落,经过空中加油,直接返回,总计飞行时间75小时,花费210万美元。  此间,代号“秃鹫”的韩美联合军事演习正在进行,B-2在朝鲜半岛的亮相,被外界视作韩美对朝鲜发出的又一“战争警告”。  造价22亿美元的B-2隐形轰炸机,能携带核武器,貌似飞翔中的蝙蝠,故得“黑色
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