
来源 :采矿与安全工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:majinrao
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为研究煤巷围岩变形破坏机制,将汾西矿区煤巷作为原型进行物理相似模型试验研究。阐述了试验设计,改进了平面模型实验台,通过配比试验确定了煤岩层的相似材料,建立煤巷物理相似模型,研究煤巷在无支护状态下围岩应力分布规律、位移和变形破坏特征,分析煤巷变形破坏机制以论证煤巷强帮强角支护技术,并进行了工程实践应用。研究结果表明:煤巷破坏源于帮部和角部,帮部、角部与顶板相互加剧破坏,导致煤巷失稳。相对位移是反映围岩破坏程度的关键指标,帮部相对位移远大于顶板。煤巷帮部破坏最严重,属于局部垮落破坏,垮落深高比为0.29;顶板破坏属于整体下沉破坏,在角部2条主裂纹作用下有冒落趋势;角部属于裂纹破坏形式,贯通后会跟随帮部或顶板垮落。可见,控制煤巷帮部和角部变形破坏,提高其支护强度,是保证煤巷围岩稳定性的关键,论证了煤巷强帮强角支护技术。工程监测表明,强帮强角支护技术具有良好的适用性。 In order to study the mechanism of surrounding rock deformation and failure of coal roadway, the coal roadway in Fenxi mining area was used as a prototype to study the physical similarity model test. The experimental design was improved, the flat model test bench was improved, the similar materials of coal rock strata were determined by proportioning test, the physical similarity model of coal roadway was established, the stress distribution law, displacement and deformation failure of surrounding rock in coal roadway without support were studied. Characteristics, analysis of coal roadway deformation and failure mechanism to demonstrate the strong support of strong coal seam strong angle support technology, and carried out engineering practice and application. The results show that coal tunnel damage originates from the gangbang and corner, the gang, the corner and the roof aggravate each other, leading to instability of the coal lane. Relative displacement is a key indicator of the degree of damage to the surrounding rock. The relative displacement of the gang is much larger than that of the roof. Coal gangway Department of the most serious damage, belonging to the collapse of the local collapse, collapse depth to height ratio of 0.29; roof damage belongs to the overall subsidence damage in the corner under the action of two main cracks have a tendency to fall; corner belongs to the form of crack damage , After the gang will follow the gang or roof collapse. It can be seen that controlling the deformation and failure of coal gangue and corner and improving the supporting strength of coal seam is the key to ensure the stability of surrounding rock in coal roadway. Engineering monitoring shows that strong help strong angle support technology has good applicability.