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  My name is Alexander Wang. I have a brand here in New York, and I was appointed creative director of 1)Balenciaga.
  I started my brand in 2005. I was in school at the time. Uh, I’d just finished my sophomore year of college at 2)Parsons, and I was at this moment when I felt that I was ready for a new challenge, in a way, and I just really wanted to kind of get out there and kinda get my hands dirty, I guess, to put it in the simplest term.
   Everyday Inspiration
  The idea, for me, in the beginning, was always two things. It was always to tell a story and to build a connection with the customer and an audience. I think, if you don’t have those two things, for me, in my opinion, you know, it’s not worth it. There always has to be a reference to something that I feel where there’s a comfort level. And I, by that I mean, you know, my roots and kind of pieces that I like are always very heavily rooted in sportswear, and this idea of ease and this idea of items that people love to wear and can relate to. There’s this idea of elevating the everyday that I just, I’ve always been attracted to. You know, I think a lot of people look at me and, you know, look at my age and they have immediately this 3)perception of the brand being, you know, what it is. And sometimes our customer’s a lot younger, and sometimes our customer’s a lot older, and I think that’s what’s so great. And what inspires me every day is that, you know, our brand really is much more about a sensibility and, uh, an attitude and, you know, it’s not defined by where you live or how old you are or, you know, what your cultural background is.


   First Memories
  I think probably the first memories I have were probably just going with my mom to the hair salon and having to wait for her and, you know, sitting in the waiting area, and then, you know, naturally you’re just looking at magazines, ’cause that’s all there is to do. I just remember one time I, I stole one of the magazines from the hair salon and brought it home with me. And I just looked at it over and over and over again, and I probably read that issue probably over a hundred times. From that point on I would just start sketching, and I wanted to kind of recreate kind of the imagery that I saw.   And then, from that point, it kind of led my interest to kind of do more research and see, like, you know, what…who were these designers, you know, where did they study, what were they, you know, what were they doing and where were they designing. And then I decided that New York was kinda gonna be the place that was for me and that I was gonna start. I wanted it to be my first stepping stone.
   The power of music
  The fashion is very much like a melting pot that is looking at music a lot more, is looking at art a lot more, is looking at, you know, theatre. Music and musicians are probably one of the most inspiring things for me. I think so much of what has happened in fashion can be and should be attributed to music: punk, grunge, glam rock, hip hop, you know, all of these style movements. I start from music. I’m so into so many different kinds of music and genres in music that in my shows it always, kind of, plays a very important part. It can kind of completely change the way that you perceive a show, or a, an ad campaign or what, you know, whatever. Yeah, in that sense it’s been one of the most important things for me.

  You know, I think a lot of people see the industry as something that is very “4)glamorized.”It’s a lot of hard work. It’s a lot of behind the scenes that, you know, until you’re working in it, you don’t realize it takes a lot of people and a lot of work to create what it is, you know, whatever it is, a fashion show, a…an image, a magazine, you know, and it takes a lot of long hours.
  There’s a lot more of a [sic] opportunity to put a designer 5)aesthetic into different 6)price points now, because the way that the fashion industry has really kind of opened up and grown and…for me, it’s always been about that. It’s always been about this is the kind of product that I want to design and this is who I want to wear it. And, if they can’t afford it, then it’s not doing anything. It’s, you know, it’s sitting in my showroom. So I was more interested in, about seeing people on the street wearing my clothes, and when I saw that, that was the thing that made me the most happy.
  I’m proud of all the work that I’ve done, you know, ’cause it’s, it’s…lead me to where I am now. It’s humorous to me when I see kind of the things that I used to do. But other than that, I look at the 7)collection today, and almost every piece that was in my first 8)ready-to-wear collection is in the collection today, in some way, shape or form.


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