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江泽民总书记关于“三个代表”的重要论述,是改革发展攻坚克难时期凝聚党心民心的思想武器,是新时期各项工作的行动指南。在迈向新世纪的征途上,价格监督检查必须按照“三个代表”的要求,紧密围绕党和国家的奋斗目标,为建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制服务。一、按照“三个代表”的要求,提高对价格监督检查工作的认识。市场经济是法制经济,离不开监督检查。稳定价格,稳定社会,既是经济任务和政治任务,也是物价工作落实“三个代表”的具体体现。针对目前社会上有人认为“价格改革的历史使命已经完成”、“搞市场经济不需要价格管理”等观点,要做好价格监督检查,必须提高对价格监督检查工作的认识。 General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s important statement on the “three represents” is an ideological weapon for uniting the people’s heart and the people’s hearts and minds during the period of reform and development. It is a guide for action in all aspects of the new era. In the journey toward the new century, price supervision and inspection must follow the requirements of the “three represents,” and must focus on the goals of the party and the country in order to establish and improve the socialist market economic system. First, in accordance with the requirements of the “three represents,” raise the awareness of price supervision and inspection work. The market economy is a legal economy and cannot be separated from supervision and inspection. Stabilizing prices and stabilizing the society are both economic tasks and political tasks. They are also the concrete manifestation of the “three represents” principle in the implementation of price work. In view of the current view that some people in the society think that “the historical mission of price reform has been completed” and that “the market economy does not require price management” and that it is necessary to do a good job of price supervision and inspection, we must raise awareness of price supervision and inspection work.
《咬文嚼字》第四辑,谈到音译词问题。其实,音译最初只是权宜之计,鲁迅曾以“费厄泼赖”译fair play(公平比赛),那时西风东渐,一时缺少现成的对等语把它译出,只得音译。“赛
“克庭!克庭!”  刚刚挤进杭州西湖文化广场1号线的地铁车厢,就听到有人在叫我。  循声望去,看到我县教育局的老局长吴迷在前面五六米处,不禁有些喜悦:“吴局长好!在这里遇到您,真是想不到!”  “十多年没有见面了!能在这里相遇,很意外,很高兴!”吴迷笑眯眯地问,“到杭州来干什么啊?”  “明天大学同学聚會,我提前来了。”  一阵寒暄后,我终于知道,退休已经13年的老局长吴迷一直在杭州为子女做“高级