行业分析着手,精准锁定排查样本 多方调查取证,及时揭示客户风险

来源 :时代金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dreamagain1986
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一、案例背景2013年以来,由于传统经济增长乏力,新的经济增长动力尚未形成,国内煤炭供需严重失衡,煤企经济效益下滑,煤炭行业面临前所未有的挑战。对于商业银行来说,随着国家“三去一降一补”政策逐步实施,前几年过度信贷投放的风险开始加速暴露,其中煤炭行业贷款信用风险显现尤为突出。2015年3月,A银行信贷部门因势而动,组织开展了全行煤炭行业贷款风险排查,旨在切实掌握煤炭行业信用风险现状,及时发现、及时处置煤炭行业信用风险。排查组 I. Background Since 2013, due to the sluggish traditional economic growth, new impetus for economic growth has not yet taken shape, the domestic coal supply and demand are seriously unbalanced, and the economic efficiency of coal enterprises is declining, the coal industry is facing unprecedented challenges. For commercial banks, with the gradual implementation of the national policy of “three strikes, one drop and one subsidy”, the risk of over-credit in the past few years has begun to be exacerbated. Among them, the credit risk of loans to the coal industry is particularly prominent. In March 2015, Bank A’s credit department took a turn for the better. It conducted an investigation into the loan risk of the entire coal industry in order to effectively grasp the status quo of the credit risk in the coal industry and promptly detect and timely handle the credit risk in the coal industry. Check the group