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国家体委主任伍绍祖同志最近强调,青运会的宗旨是发现人才、培养人才,反对狭隘的地方观念和注重短期行为的做法,不要单以金牌论英雄。真乃善哉之举。随着体育热的兴起,国人及舆论界对金牌的渴求情绪,影响了领导层中部分同志,夺得全运会金牌的多寡,约定俗成地成为衡量各省市自治区体委工作成绩的砝码。随着金牌大战的升级,凡沾全字号的运动会(青运会、城运会、农运会……)的金牌,亦为各省争夺的目标。体育本身就充满了竞争,这本不为过,但不择手段、只图夺标的不良行为应运而生。突出表现在年龄或资格方面弄虚作假;违背科学规律,拔苗助长等恶劣或愚蠢的做法。这股歪风一时间难以遏止。这些赘生于体育事业上的恶果难道会成为不治之症吗? 非也。只要认真对待,问题不难解决。我们欣喜地看到,许多有识之士已引起注意。上海的做法值得赞赏。早在筹备参加二青会之初,上海市体委就提出了“锻炼队伍,发现人才,培养后备,打好基础,力争取得较好 Comrade Wu Shaozu, director of the National Sports Commission, recently emphasized that the aim of the Youth Games is to discover and train qualified personnel, oppose narrow-minded local ideas and pay attention to short-term behavior. Do not think of gold medal alone as a hero. Really good and holy move. With the rise of sports fever, the thirst for emotions of the Chinese people and the media on the gold medal has affected some comrades in the leadership team and won gold medals in the National Games. They have conventionally become the weights to weigh the achievements of the provincial sports commissioners in various provinces and autonomous regions. With the escalation of the gold medal battle, all medals (the Games, the National Games, the Peasant Games, etc.) are all gold medals for the provinces. Sports itself is full of competition, this is not an exaggeration, but unscrupulous, snatched only the bad behavior emerged. Prominent performance in terms of age or qualifications fraud; violation of scientific laws, destructive power and other bad or stupid practices. This unhealthy trend is hard to stop. Will these nemesis consequences in sport become incurable? As long as taken seriously, the problem is not difficult to solve. We are delighted to see that many people of insight have drawn their attention. Shanghai’s approach is commendable. As early as the preparations for the Second Youth Congress, the Shanghai Municipal Sports Commission put forward a "training team, discovering talent, training reserve, lay a good foundation and strive to achieve better
为什么黑人运动员能在棒球、篮球、美式足球和田径赛中取得成千上万的奖杯、奖牌?为什么在汉城奥运会上黑人选手能在大多的径赛项目中一统天下? 长期以来,许多专家学者纷纷
民国时南汇区域经济发展的显著特点是 ,在市镇农村呈现行业多样化和多种经营趋势的情况下 ,出现了许多新兴近代产业 ,并进而影响到南汇人的生活习俗。一最初出现的由民营资本
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