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来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:benben1906
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又是一个催人奋进的春天。迎着新世纪的曙光,我们追赶时代,追求发展。《兵团建设》乘借改革开放的万里长风应运而生。她饱蘸理想与激情,与广大读者一起涌进当代潮流,共创明天的灿烂!趟过历史的河流,跨过岁月的桥梁,兵团人高擎屯垦戍边、艰苦创业.无私奉献的旗帜,肩负中央三代领导集体的嘱托,创业于天山脚下的茫茫戈壁、河谷盆地、沙漠边缘。来自五湖四海的中华儿女带着美好的憧憬,献了青春献终身,献了终身献子孙。在祖国六分之一的疆土上,留下了代代兵团人创业的悲壮;在两千多公里的边境线上,留下了他们戍边的闪光足迹。兵团对新疆社会稳定、民族团结、经济繁荣和社会进步做出了重要贡献。遥望新的征程,屯垦戍边的壮丽事业要继往开来,代代相传。兵团要为祖国边疆的社会稳定,长治久安和社会事业的发展,继续做出新的贡献。《兵团建设》的创刊,是中央重视兵团,全面加强兵团工作的具体体现,是兵团党委强化舆论阵地建设的重要举措,是兵团各族人民社会生活中一件有益的大事。《兵团建设》面向全国公开发行的刊号,是国家新闻出版署针对全国报纸、期刊太多、太滥而进行大 Another inspiring spring. In the face of the dawn of the new century, we are chasing the times and pursuing development. “Corps construction” by virtue of reform and opening up a long wind came into being. She dipped in the ideal and passion, and together with the majority of readers pouring into the contemporary trend, creating a brilliant tomorrow! Wading through the history of the river, spanning the years of bridges, Corps lofty ground reclamation and defend the edge, arduous pioneering. The leadership of the collective leadership of the three generations of the Central Government pioneered the vast desert at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, the valleys and the edge of the desert. Chinese sons and daughters from all corners of the globe bring their youthful dreams with a bright vision and offer their children their whole life. On the one-sixth of the territory of the motherland, the tragedy of pioneering military personnel was left behind; the glittering footprints of their frontiers remained on more than 2,000 kilometers of border. Corps has made important contributions to Xinjiang’s social stability, national unity, economic prosperity and social progress. Looking forward to the new journey, the magnificent undertaking of settling and guarding the frontiers should be carried forward from generation to generation. The Corps should continue to make new contributions to the social stability, long-term peace and stability and social undertakings in the border areas of the motherland. The founding of “Corps construction” is a concrete manifestation of the importance the Corps attaches to the Corps and comprehensively enhanced the work of the Corps. It is an important measure for the Corps party committees to strengthen the construction of the public opinion positions and is a useful event in the social life of the people of all nationalities in the Corps. “Corps construction” for the national public issue of the issue of the State Press and Publication Administration for the national newspapers, too many journals, too large and large
本文报告以上海淮海制药厂产的泛影酸及葡甲胺,在较短时间内制得去除95~98%宿主红细胞和白细胞的约氏疟原虫样品。实验所用约氏疟原虫系1976 This article reports the pan-a
为探索效果更佳的表皮细胞培养与移植的方法,我们建立了以纤维结合蛋白(FN)为底物的培养人表皮细胞的模式。对FN浓度及表皮细胞接种量的影响进行了研究。结果 表明此培养系统