来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sellene
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Starting from isothermal excess volume data (two or more than two sets),and based on the “pseudo-2-fluid theory”,a computation procedure of vapor-liquid equilibrium data is proposed:(1)Calculation of characteristic parameters of pure components:V_i~*,P_i~* and T_i~*;(2)Calculation of characteristic parameters of pseudocomponents:V_(im)~*,P_(im)~* and T_(im)~*;(3) Calculation of excess enthalpy ~E;(4)Calculation of Gibbs free energy ~E or its Q function;(5)Calculation of bubble point;(6)Calculation of vapor-liquid equilibrium data.The computation results for benzene-cyclohexane,bensene-n-hexane,benzene-n-heptane,benzene-n-octane,carbon tetrachloride-benzene,carbon tetrachloride-cyclohexane and carbon tettachloride-n-heptane,compared with the corresponding vapor-liquid equilibrium experimental data and the data calculateddirectly from excess enthalpy,are satisfactory.Therefore,the proposed computation procedure is alsoappropriate to non-polar and slightly polar binary systems under relatively low pressures. Starting from isothermal over volume data (two or more than two sets), and based on the “pseudo-2-fluid theory”, a computation procedure of vapor-liquid equilibrium data is proposed: (1) Calculation of characteristic parameters of pure components : V_i ~ *, P_i ~ * and T_i ~ *; (2) Calculation of characteristic parameters of pseudocomponents: V_ (im) ~ *, P_ (im) ~ * and T_ (im) enthalpy ~ E; (4) Calculation of Gibbs free energy ~ E or its Q function; (5) Calculation of bubble point; hexane, benzene-n-heptane, benzene-n-octane, carbon tetrachloride-benzene, carbon tetrachloride-cyclohexane and carbon tettachloride-n-heptane, compared with the corresponding vapor-liquid equilibrium experimental data and the data calculated directly from excess enthalpy, are satisfactory.Therefore, the proposed computation procedure is alsoappropriate to non-polar and slightly polar binary systems under r elatively low pressures
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