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1987年5月5日是两届奥运会冠军、被誉为世界“田径之王”的英国名将汤普森的值得庆贺的日子.这一天,他与一直在他的事业上支持和关心他的、青梅竹马的女友苔莎结成了百年之好.这是一对互敬互爱令人羡慕的恋人.但结婚那天新郎倌的表现倒是让他的亲朋好友们着实紧张了一阵子.当天的婚礼是在英国塞克斯一间罗马天主教堂举行的.当时是万事俱备,只待新娘驾到.但不知何故,比汤普森小一岁的苔莎却姗姗来迟,因而把一个在田径场上叱咤风云的“王中王”急得抓耳挠腮、频频看表.他的愁态使他的来宾还以为出了什么变故.直到新娘驾到之后,汤普森才长长出了一口气,脸上的表情也豁然开朗.婚礼上新郎、新娘频频向来宾致谢.手挽妩媚多姿的新娘,汤普森这时越发显得神采奕奕,英俊潇洒.在婚礼将结束时, May 5, 1987 is the two Olympic Games champion, known as the world “king of track & field ” the British star Thompson worth celebrating day .This day, he and his career has been to support and care about him, Childhood sweetheart girlfriend Tessa formed a good hundred years.It is an enviable lover of mutual respect and mutual love.However, the performance of the groom on the wedding day’d actually make his friends and family really nervous for a while.The wedding that day is Held at a Roman Catholic church in Sussex, England, was at the time ready for the bride’s drive, but somehow, later than Thompson’s Misha was overdone, so a monk in track and field “Wangzhongwang ” anxious scratching his head, frequently watch the table, his anxiety makes his guests thought what happened to the accident until the bride arrived, Thompson took a long breath, his face is also expression Suddenly the wedding of the groom, the bride frequently to the guests thanks hand holding charming bride, Thompson then become more and more radiant, handsome.Will be over at the wedding,
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车马炮联合进攻威力很大,经常能构成精彩杀局。现将实战中收集的素材,制成精巧棋局介绍如下: Horse and cannon joint attack power is great, often can make the wonderf
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
本文介绍梅州西环高速公路E标路基石方爆破的施工技术,重点介绍爆破的不同技术方法以及相关安全要求。 This paper introduces the construction technology of E-Roadbed s