
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaojing795130
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1 调查摸底、宣传发动 我们专门组织了5人组成的调查组,深入到社区和农户家中发放宣传资料,并开展调查,初步掌握了第一手资料,了解了居民的医疗消费心态,为我们开展社区卫生服务增强了信心。在此基础上,进行广泛宣传发动。召开了由各街道办事处、居委会主任参加的动员大会,政府有关领导到会,并提出了要求。将调查摸底情况通报给与会者,使他们对社区卫生服务有了认识和了解,发放宣传资料,同时利用黑板报、广播、报纸、电视等新闻媒体,给予大力宣传,这为开展社区卫生服务奠定了较好的基础。 1 Investigating and exploring, publicizing and mobilizing We specially organized an investigation team composed of 5 people. We went deep into the community and farmers’ households to disseminate publicity materials, conducted investigations, and initially grasped first-hand information to understand residents’ medical consumption mentality. Community health services have increased confidence. On this basis, it is widely publicized and launched. A mobilization meeting was held with the participation of directors of neighborhood offices and neighborhood committees. The relevant government leaders attended the meeting and made requests. The participants were informed of the situation of investigations and investigations, so that they had acquainted themselves with the community health services and distributed publicity materials. At the same time, they made use of newspapers, radio, newspapers, television, and other news media to give vigorous publicity, which laid the foundation for the development of community health services. A good foundation.
世界各国包括发达国家、发展中国家和贫困国家 ,都有一个共同的发展方向 ,那就是如何使自己的民族强盛。考察一个国家和地区的社会经济、文化、医疗卫生水平的一项重要指标是
日前,二炮文工团青年歌唱家于丽娜同时推出了《和谐的呼唤》和《美丽歌韵》两张独唱专辑。据透露,这两张专辑在两会期间销量一路飘红,目前已达数万张。 Recently, the Secon
故障现象:定位像有水平方向片状伪影,轴位图像异常(用脑窗看颅内软组织一片漆黑,颅骨依稀可见)。  分析与排除:由故障现象分析,故障可能源于信号采集通道。该通道包括探测
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