The Primitive Minority

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  究竟是什么让Amish country能不受美国文化的冲击而始终保持着这样的生活方式呢?我们不得而知,但请跟随Karen一起走进这个神秘部落吧!
  Can you believe as a tourist you cannot openly take photos of where you are or stare at the local riders in the horse and buggy[轻型马车]?
  Yes, I learned about this manner in a hard way. On one of my visits to the Amish country in Western Pennsylvania, I was drawn to the multi-colored, handmade quilts hanging outside a white wooden house. A tourist’s instinct was to take a snapshot. I, too, held up my camera, angling the right direction to capture both the plain house and the quilts on the porch[门廊]. As I was about to press the shutter[快门], a female voice pealed from the gap of a half-open door, “No photo please!” I was startled, diverting my gaze from the camera. A thirty-something woman in a milky-blue, plain-cut dress and a white apron[围裙] stood at the door. As I looked at her closely, she immediately shut the door and hid behind the curtained window.All I remember was her unpleasant frown like the one we have when a salesman knocks on our door. Not until I walked away from her property did she pull down the curtain. My heart thumped fast. I had never been treated so coldly when taking photos. Why was the woman so mean to me?
  Later I learned that the plainness-pursuing Amish people do not like to be involved with the outside world. I’m sure my sightseeing in their territory is an intrusion, an unwelcomed trespass. I’m an outsider in this self-contained world where men sow on the land, women sew at home.
  Before I came to the U.S., I knew of the Amish from a movie called Witness starring Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis. However, my every experience in the Amish country deepens my impression and continuously arouses my curiosity. How can they get away from temptation in an affluent country which offers so many conveniences and choices?
  Yet, along with hunger, money sometimes trumps conviction. When I was in Berlin, Ohio, I passed by an open-minded, blue-clad Amish family selling homemade pies, maple syrup[糖浆] and handicrafts at a street stand.After a second thought, I walked back to the stand and attempted to make a purchase from the brown-bearded Amish man. Upon seeing my return, he greeted me with a jocular question, “Having guilty conscience?” I grinned and happily picked up an eight inch strawberry and rhubarb pie and a jar of maple syrup. He humbly received the green notes from me. It was a gratifying deal.
  Thinking back, what a contrast of attitude between the Amish businessman and the Amish woman who shunned from my camera? I can’t get enough of the traditional minority in the U.S.
中文有很多和“鱼”有关的成语,有褒义的也有贬义的。比如说,我们用“鱼米之乡”来描述富饶的地方;用“沉鱼落雁”来形容女子的容貌美丽;用“鱼目混珠”来比喻以假换真;用“缘木求鱼”来表示用错方法而不能达到目的……英文中也有很多与“鱼”有关的习语,本期的《小词大义》就将带领大家一起去学习这些有趣的表达。    Americans use many expressions about fish and   
[目的]为进一步研究γ-生育酚甲基转移酶(TMT)基因的功能奠定基础。[方法]以拟南芥γ-TMT cDNA为信息探针,在GenBankdbEST数据库中搜索与其高度同源的番茄EST序列,通过人工序列