
来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyxinqiann
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传染监督管理书是根据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》及其《实施办法》由政府卫生行政部按照一定的程序制作的对当事人具有法律效力的全国统一的规范化一类文书。传染病监督管理文书是《传染病防治法》的具体体现,在执法中代表着国家的意志,是政府卫生行政部门实施法律权力的具体体现形式,一经制作,不得任意改变和撤销;以体现国家法律的严肃性。因此,传染病监督管理文书的制作必须满足以下几点:①必须由法律授权的卫生行政部门和卫生防疫部门制作;②必须按照法律程序制作;③必须是全国统一的文书;④必须是规范化的文书,用语要准确。传染病监督管理文书制作的成功与否,要看其是否符合上述要求。传染病监督管理文书是《传染病防治法》及其《实施办法》能否正确执行的重要的、直接的和必要的依据。 Infection supervision and management book is based on the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases” and “its implementation” by the government health administration department in accordance with certain procedures produced by the parties with the legal effect of the national unified standardized class of instruments. The instruments for the supervision and management of infectious diseases are the concrete manifestation of Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and represent the will of the state in law enforcement. They are the concrete manifestation of the implementation of legal powers by the government health administrative departments. They shall not be arbitrarily changed or revoked upon production. Legal seriousness. Therefore, the production of infectious disease surveillance and management instruments must meet the following points: ① must be authorized by the law of health administrative departments and health and epidemic prevention departments; ② must be produced in accordance with legal procedures; ③ must be a unified national document; ④ must be standardized Clerical, language should be accurate. The success of the production of infectious disease surveillance instruments depends on whether they meet the above requirements. The instruments for the supervision and control of infectious diseases are an important, direct and necessary basis for the correct implementation of Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and its Implementation Measures.
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