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以黄河中游河套盆地-晋陕峡谷-三门峡盆地-三门峡峡谷-郑州邙山段黄河形成时代为主要研究内容,辅以黄河上游兴海盆地-共和盆地段黄河出现的时代来探讨统一黄河形成的时代。黄河上游兴海盆地共发育9级黄河阶地,ESR和OSL年代结果表明,最高三级阶地分别形成于200ka,100ka和80ka;中游河套盆地普遍发育一套湖相沉积,其中盆地东南端托克托台地郝家窑剖面湖相沉积的亮度和烧失量数据呈现一致的由下向上波动上升变化趋势,反映沉积物碳酸盐含量在不断增高,湖水盐度在增大,可能指示了湖泊处于封闭的环境,OSL结果显示湖相沉积结束的年代在100ka前后;三门峡盆地东端发育的最高黄河阶地年代为150ka,而指示古三门湖湖水外泄的河湖相白砂层结束时间是200ka。文章总结对比前人的研究成果,认为共和运动才是形成统一黄河的主因,尽管如此,上游兴海-共和河段及中游三门峡河段黄河(分别形成于200ka和200~150ka)出现要早于河套地区(100ka),而晋陕峡谷最晚贯通。也就是说,现今统一的黄河形成于100ka前后。 Taking the formation times of the Yellow River in the Hetao Basin of the middle reaches of the Yellow River, the Jin-Shan Gorge, the Sanmenxia Basin, the Sanmenxia Gorge and the Zhengzhou Dangshan Section as the main research contents and the era of the emergence of the Yellow River in the Xinghai Basin and Gonghe Basin in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, . In the upper reaches of the Yellow River, a total of 9 Yellow River terraces were developed in the Xinghai basin. The results of ESR and OSL indicate that the highest terraces were formed in 200ka, 100ka and 80ka, respectively. In the middle reaches of Hetao Basin, a lacustrine sedimentary system was developed. In the basin, The data of the brightness and the loss on the lacustrine sediments in the Haojiyao section of the platform show a consistent upward trend from bottom to top, indicating that the carbonate content in the sediment is continuously increasing and the salinity of the lake is increasing, which may indicate that the lake is in a closed . The results of OSL show that the lacustrine facies sedimentary age is around 100ka. The highest Yellow River terrace developed at the eastern tip of Sanmenxia Basin is 150ka, while the end of the white sand and lacustrine facies indicating the leakage of ancient Sanmen Lake is 200ka. The article summarizes and contrasts the previous research results that the Republican Movement is the main reason for the formation of a unified Yellow River. Nevertheless, the occurrence of the upper reaches of the Xinghai-Gonghe reach and the Sanmenxia reach of the Yellow River (formed respectively in 200ka and 200 ~ 150ka respectively) Hetao area (100ka), while the Jin Shan Shaan the latest through. In other words, today’s unified Yellow River formed around 100ka.
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吃过早饭,我和妈妈决定步行去学校,因为昨天刚下过一场大雪,道路很滑。太好了!滨湖公园一定是个银装素裹的美丽世界,还可以边走边打雪仗。  一路走来,我们的周围被一层灰蒙蒙的雾霾所笼罩,看不到过往行人的面孔,公园边的水池里还冒着蒸气。我笑着对妈妈说:“妈妈,我们这是在‘仙境’里吗?”妈妈却一脸愁容地说:“宝贝,这些都是污染。雾霾是因为大气污染,水蒸气是因为人们把生活污水排放到了湖边的池子里,唉……”我
习作要求  冀教版四年级下册“综合学习三·我的小笔头”:成长的故事。  日子在一天天过去,你是否意识到自己在慢慢长大?翻翻以前的日记和照片,和长辈聊聊你小时候的事,再看看现在的你,写一写你成长的故事吧!  拓展思路  同学们,你是否意识到自己在慢慢长大呢?衣服变小了,鞋号增大了,书越读越多,日记越写越厚,越来越爱美,胆子越来越大,心事也越来越多……从发生在自己身上的小事入手,去发现、去追寻成长的足
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那是秋天的一个傍晚,我和妈妈在明亮的路灯下一起散步。  一阵秋风吹过,把行人的帽子都吹飞了,天气真的凉了!  我暗自庆幸自己穿了件厚外套,感觉不到一丝凉意。忽然,扭头发现妈妈只穿了一件单衣。她禁不住打了一个寒战,双手抱在胸前,嘴里轻轻地说:“好冷啊!”  虽然这句话很轻,但我还是听见了。我想:长这么大,一直是妈妈无微不至地照顾我,这回我也要照顾一下妈妈,不然妈妈会冻病的。  于是,我脱下外套,披在
春姑娘迈着轻盈的脚步来到钵池山,无数小生灵揉揉蒙眬的睡眼,打起精神,贪婪地吮吸着春天的甘露,茁壮成长。整个公园也迅速地换上了浅绿色的外衣,所以,我建议大家可以去钵池山公园走一走、游一游,感受春的美好。  一进入钵池山景区的大门,首先映入眼帘的就是一片花的世界。丁香的枝头开满了簇簇白花,把树枝都压弯了腰;迎春花作为报春的使者,也开出了一朵朵小黄花,在万紫千红的世界里,显得格外耀眼。玉兰花一朵一朵簇拥