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在语文教学当中,“说”训练学生的口头表达能力,“写”训练书面表达能力。“写”,固然非常重要,因为它是语言运用能力和技巧的高度表现;但是,每日每时都在进行着的大量的语言实践,却是“说”,是口头语言的运用。但是,学生运用口语进行表达的实际情况又怎样呢?从一些初高中课堂学生发言的情况看:声小语低使人无法听清者有之,语无伦次答非所问者有之,断断续续语不成句者有之。能够做到声音宏亮、口齿清晰、条理井然的,非常少见。从学生发言的主动性看,高中不如初中;初中里,初二初三不如 In Chinese language teaching, “speaking” trains students’ oral expression skills and “writes” training and writing skills. “Writing” is important, because it is a high expression of language skills and skills; however, the large amount of language practice that is being performed every day is “speaking” and is the use of spoken language. However, what is the actual situation in which students use spoken language to express their expressions? From the situation of some junior high school students who speak: The low voices make it impossible for people to hear clearly, the incoherent people answer non-questions, and those who do not repeat sentences have a sentence. The. It is very rare to be able to achieve loud, clear, and orderly voices. From the initiative of students’ speaking, high school is not as good as junior high school;
从上学期开始,我们在语文教学中组织学生开展预习活动,不但调动了学生学习的主动性,而且培养了学生的自学习惯和自学能力,有效地提高了课堂教学的效率。 Starting from the last
对于英语初学者而言,往往提到“费用”就想到 expense,在表达中非“expense”不用。其实 expense 主要是“花费”、“开支”之意,如 current expenses“日常开支”,selling
初中学生的阅读能力低主要表现在他们不善于思考,不知道阅读时应做些什么和怎样去做。因此,对学生的培养训练的重点就应放在阅读技巧和思维训练上。 The low reading abilit
Note:All the answers must be written on your answer sheet. Please don’t Write anything in this booklet.Complete the test in 2(1/2) hours.Ⅰ.Listening comprehe
Translate the following into Chinese, paying attention to the use of“round” and “around”:1. It’ll cost somewhere round (around) (about) £50.2. There are ar
在R.Ros所著的《Essential English Practice》一书的反意问句部分中有这么一道选择题: I amvery keen on sports,... A.isn’t I?B.don’t I?C.am I not? D.ain’t I?E.are
1.这两个词都可译成“高价的”或“昂贵的”,但都不可与price连用。在英语中,人们不说:“The price is very expensive(or dear)”。因为expensive和dear都已包含价格的意思
香港从来都是时装美容品牌的宠儿,往往都是新店、新品在亚洲发布的首个目的地,今年在这片福地大展拳脚的还有Marionnaud Paris。这所商店其实是个小型百货公司,由法国人Berna