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页岩油气的快速发展使得一些经典的油气地质理论不再适用,几个世纪以来认为是勘探禁区的领域得到扩展。一是页岩油气的成功开发模糊了圈闭的概念,不再特别强调运移和保存条件,页岩油气是连续成藏和分布,淡化了油气系统关键时刻及生烃高峰的概念,相态主要受控于成熟度。二是大大拓展了石油工业的空间和生命周期。页岩油气的勘探开发实践使得可以在烃源岩中开采油气,拓展了勘探的岩性;在时代较老地层中开采页岩油气的比例相对较高,拓展了勘探的层系;向地下更深部位发展,其地质储量可以延长石油工业的生命周期。三是改变了经典的勘探程序,不再以寻找构造高部位为主要目的,而是要寻找有利的“甜点区”。页岩油气的勘探开发主要取决于技术的进步、油气价格杠杆的影响、对环保问题的处理。三者具有较强的相关性,其中前两者决定着未来页岩油气的主要发展方向。 The rapid development of shale oil and gas has made some of the classic theory of oil and gas geology no longer applicable, and the area considered as a restricted exploration area for centuries has been expanded. First, the successful exploitation of shale oil and gas has blurred the concept of trapping, no longer emphasizing the conditions of migration and preservation. Shale oil and gas are continuously accumulated and distributed, and the concepts of key moments and hydrocarbon generation peaks of oil and gas systems are diluted. Mainly controlled by maturity. The second is to greatly expand the space and life cycle of the oil industry. The exploration and development practices of shale oil and gas make it possible to exploit oil and gas in hydrocarbon source rocks and expand the lithology of exploration; the proportion of shale oil and gas exploitation in older formations is relatively high, expanding the exploration strata; Site development, its geological reserves can extend the life cycle of the oil industry. Third, it has changed the classic exploration program. Instead of seeking for the purpose of constructing high parts, we should look for a favorable dessert area. The exploration and development of shale oil and gas mainly depends on the progress of technology, the impact of oil and gas price leverage and the treatment of environmental problems. The three have a strong correlation, of which the first two determine the future development of shale oil and gas the main direction.
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
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随着气候持续干燥,天气的逐渐转凉,早晚温差大,导致不少宝宝患上感冒,头疼、脑胀、流鼻涕,恶心等症状接踵而来。每当面对这样的情况,家长们不禁要忧虑一个问题——这真的只是感冒吗?  北京市疾病控制中心在2017年12月28日的发布会上表示,北京地区目前已进入流感等呼吸道传染病高发季。流感病毒检测阳性率已达往年高峰水平,且仍呈上升趋势,其中以乙型流感病毒为主,甲型H3N2和甲型H1N1流感病毒共同流行。