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找了两个多月的工作,正是长了不少见识,也多了不少心眼,现在说出来,希望大家吸取我的教训。我是从去年11月开始找工作的,陆续笔试面试了很多。终于到12月中下旬,五六家公司给我消息,让我去签约。正犹豫不决,这时公司 A 出现了,说在上海开个研究院,然后递简历,面试两轮之后终于给 offer,薪水也号称开得高,年薪8-12万,方向也是很好:操作系统方面。本来以为就是这家公司了。谁知道12月底又有消息,说公司因为内部原因不能把研究院开到上海了,要到北京,学校里面准备签这家公司的同学还有六七个,好多因为想留沪都到最后把这个公司“拒”了,我当时也有点犹豫,这时公司里面的招聘人员打电话联系我,聊的时间很长,主要是说他们公司的待遇如 Looking for more than two months of work, it is a lot of insight, but also a lot more heart, now say it, I hope you learn my lesson. I started looking for a job in November last year. I have written a lot of written exams. Finally in late December, fifty-six companies gave me the news, let me sign. Is hesitating, when the company A appeared, said to open a research institute in Shanghai, and then handed the resume, after the interview finally offer two rounds, the salary is also claimed to be high, the annual salary of 8-12 million, the direction is also very good: Operating system. I thought it was this company. Who knows the end of December there is news that the company because of internal reasons can not open the institute to Shanghai, to Beijing, the school which prepares to sign this company there are six or seven students, a lot because want to stay in Shanghai to the last This company “refuse ”, and I was a little hesitant, when recruiters inside the company to contact me by phone, chat for a long time, mainly to say that the treatment of their company such as
A What’s On?Electric Underground7.30pm—1.00am Free at the Cyclops Theatre Do you know who’s playing in your area?We’re bringing you an exciting evening of l
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