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用西澳大利亚阿格纽(Agnew)带的构造资料检验了太古宙绿岩带的构造假说。该带有如下主要特征: (1)由半整合的英云闪长岩侵入体所形成的硅铝质底层构造(Sialic infrastructure),在构造作用开始之前业已存在。 (2)早期变形形成了平卧褶皱和平缓产状的片理;第二期变形成了构成现在构造带轮廓的大多数直立褶皱和陡的韧性剪切带。在地层中,这两期变形都没有产生主要断裂。这两期变形伴随有高级绿片岩到角闪岩相条件和低压下的变质作用。 (3)绿岩带两边与沿陡的剪切带侵位的年代不明的英云闪长岩相连。把这条绿岩带与代表显生宙板块构造的消减杂岩带、碰撞缝合线和下陷边缘盆地相比,表明该带不是形成于这些板块构造的任何一种环境之中。该带的第二期变形是区域地壳扭动产生的,是沿着N到NNW走向剪切带发生右旋韧性扭曲形成的。伴生的雁行排列的弯曲褶皱形成了以花岗岩为核心的大的背斜和紧密向斜。这些具体构造型式与挤压成因说相矛盾。这种韧性扭动断层可能与有点类似现代转换断层的地幔流动型式有关。 The tectonic hypothesis of the Archean greenstone belt was examined by using the structural data of the Agnew belt in Western Australia. This has the following main features: (1) Sialic infrastructure formed by the intrusion of semi-integrated diagenetic diorites, which existed prior to the onset of tectonism. (2) The early deformation resulted in the flat folds and the gentle yields. The second deformation became most of the upright folds and the steep ductile shear zones that make up the present structural belt profile. In the strata, neither of these two deformations produced major faults. These two phases of deformation are accompanied by metamorphism from high-grade schist to amphibolite facies and metamorphism under low pressure. (3) Both sides of the greenstone belt are connected to the unknown dacite diorites emplaced along steep shear zones. Comparing this greenstone belt with abatement, collision suture and subsidence basins that represent the significant Proterozoic slab suggests that the belt is not formed in any of these plate tectonics. The second phase deformation of the zone is caused by the regional crustal twisting and is formed by the dextral ductile torsion along the shear band from N to NNW. Accompanying geese arranged in curved folds formed by the granite as the core of a large anticline and tight syncline. These specific types of construction contradict the cause of extrusion. This ductile twisting fault may be related to the mantle flow patterns somewhat similar to modern transition faults.
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城市群融合流通带来的营销变革    随着中国经济的快速发展,城市的发展已经超越了地域限制。而随着京津城际、武广高铁、郑西高铁、福厦高铁、沪宁高铁等高铁线路的开通和建设,城市之间的时空距离将大幅缩短,由地域临近、经济上互补的若干城市组成的城市群,将成为新的竞合单元。  因此,企业需要去思考城市群下的营销渠道布局、区域市场营销整合策略,而不仅仅是单个城市的营销策略。  例如,总部在上海的力波啤酒,广告
测定大气中的 NO_2多用 Saltzman 法,但该法的反应系数(NO_2的亚硝酸离子当量值)不稳定,常随 NO_2浓度及吸收液组份的不同而异。另外,NO 对它的测定也有干扰。作者为了消除
孙殿卿对广西东北部驾桥岭-六塘的冰川地貌曾进行过研究。驾桥岭为一穹窿山,中部 Sun Dianqing conducted a study on the glacial landscape of Qiaoling Ridge - Liutang